Circuits, Continued! – pt 8 (Tech Class)

This is our second to last week of technology class! So sad! But we did do some fun stuff. Continuing our study on electrons and circuits, we made a small circuit on a breadboard that lit up a few light bulbs! One of the questions I had on the breadboards, was why was it called a breadboard? Turns out, in ye olden days of breadboards, they put the wires into wooden blocks, and sometimes they even used literal breadboards. As electronic breadboards were made (and eventually digital ones), the name, just, sort of stuck! Anyways, we learned how breadboards move electricity, and how some electricity can be too much for a lightbulb, so we used resistors. Resistors slow down the flow of elections, and in doing so they get really hot! Overall, it was a fun project and I love the hands-on experiences we get to do in class.

I hope you all are well.


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