Archive of ‘6th Grade’ category

Circuits, Continued! – pt 8 (Tech Class)

This is our second to last week of technology class! So sad! But we did do some fun stuff. Continuing our study on electrons and circuits, we made a small circuit on a breadboard that lit up a few light bulbs! One of the questions I had on the breadboards, was why was it called a breadboard? Turns out, in ye olden days of breadboards, they put the wires into wooden blocks, and sometimes they even used literal breadboards. As electronic breadboards were made (and eventually digital ones), the name, just, sort of stuck! Anyways, we learned how breadboards move electricity, and how some electricity can be too much for a lightbulb, so we used resistors. Resistors slow down the flow of elections, and in doing so they get really hot! Overall, it was a fun project and I love the hands-on experiences we get to do in class.

I hope you all are well.


Circuits – pt 7 (Tech Class)

In technology class, we have been learning about circuits, breadboards, and other fun stuff that involves the transfer of electricity. Lots of classwork was devoted to learning about the bases of atoms, which helped us understand the transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom. From there we could learn about why electricity flows the was it does, and from there we could really understand how circuits work, and why they are used in the way they are used today. In class we experimented with making small LEDs light up, and now we are going to move on to some more complex circuits, and I am super excited! I’m looking forward to how this unit plays out. It has been a really fun intro to electronics!

Atoms? – pt 6 (tech class)

In tech class we have been learning about atoms and what they really are. I’ve studied this in the past, but it was still interesting to learn about. The core of the atom is made of protons and neutrons, and are incredibly tightly bonded. Surrounding the nucleus are the electrons, which we draw as circular but actually appears as a cloud of gas. Atoms are incredibly tiny, so tiny that light doesn’t even bounce off of it! Even with a microscope we can’t see them, so we have to use a special machine to feel around for the atom and draw what it thinks it looks like. Anyways, it was really fun learning about it and it was a great memory refresher.

Hope you all are well.

Wheel and Axel Study – pt 5 (tech class)

In technology class this week we have been experimenting with wheels and axels, and we built cams, a oddly shaped wheel pushing a load up when you turn a crank. We made it out of paper, and it actually works pretty well. I still don’t know what the load is going to be, I am thinking a jack-in-the-box, and the puppet comes out when you turn the wheel. But I’m not the most crafty person, so we will se how that goes. Overall, I think the project was a good way to teach us about wheel and axles, and I look forward to more projects in the future.

Levers – pt 4 (Tech Class)

Hello everybody! For our fourth week in technology class, we have been learning about levers and how they work. Each lever has three parts, an effort, a load and a fulcrum. You can arrange these parts differently, and that what creates different types of levers. We have been learning about class three levers (effort is in the middle). Class three levers are actually pretty weak, but are used in so many things today. Fishing poles, baseball bats, even your own arm is a class three lever! To experiment with this topic, we made mini catapults out of popsicle sticks, because they too are third class levers. Overall, I thought it was a fun project and I look forward to doing more stuff like this in the future.

Baby Carrots and Triangles – Pt 3 (Tech Class)

Hello everybody! In class this week we have been learning about the structural integrity of the triangle, and how trusses are used in buildings all around the world. For our interactive projects, we used baby carrots and toothpicks to make structures to hold up objects. To make the structures we would place toothpicks into chopped up baby carrots to make joints to connect the sides. Our challenge was to use triangles to hold up as many weights as possible, so I designed a cube with toothpicks going diagonally on the sides to make triangles, and it held up a lot of medium sized books! Overall, I thought the project was a really cool way of showing how triangles made things strong, and I really enjoyed it!

I-beams – pt 2 (Tech Class)

Hello everybody! In technology class we have been working on I-beams, and I have to say they are pretty cool! I beams are classix beams used in structures all over the world, and they are very strong and hold almost everything you see today up. Using cardboard, tape, glue and an instructional video from my teacher I was able to construct a working I beam, and work it did! It held up 6 oranges, 4 clementines, and some other random heavy stuff I could find. Anyways, the I-beam is a miracle of technology and I am so glad people have invented it.

Hope you all are well

Starting Technology Class – pt 1 – (Tech Class)

Hello everybody! Recently I have switched quarterlies and I am now in technology class, and I am pretty happy! We started class with learning about glue and the origins of the adhesives, and how they evolved over time. In the lesson we also learned about how glue sets, and how rain affects different glue. It was very interesting and enjoyable. I believe we learned about the power of adhesives for upcoming projects that we are going to do, for we learned how to bond things using glue and how long it takes to set. I am excited for the next few months, there is going to be a lot of fun projects and things to learn about.

I hope you all are well.

The absolute value fish – Tynker – Pt 9 (Comp Tech)

There are only two weeks left in our computer tech class, and for our final project, we are making lessons about things we’ve learned in school in Tynker, than asking a series of questions about that. I chose absolute values, because you can explain it in two sentences, and I just like writing |20| = ?. Anyways, I had a fish explain the lesson because, well, I felt like it and I went to work dragging “if then else” statements across the screen. After just about ten minutes I had a lesson with three questions at the end of it, and it did what was asked and produced something that worked.

We also were asked to view other peoples projects, and it was very fun to see what people have done. Everybody did different topics, different sprites explaining the topic and different moods of their projects overall. One person did a project where they had a troll explain least common multiples, and would play music if you got questions right. Overall, it was a cute project, a little on the easy side but it was definitely fun to see what other people have done.


Spreadsheets – pt 8 (Comp Tech)

In tech class, we have been creating spreadsheets. We have been monitoring our fitness through the week to test it out. Here is my chart:

To make this chart, I would use google sheets. The first thing I would do is fill in the cells with the amount of fitness I’ve done this week. Then, I would click “Create chart” and then google would create a chart for me! For doing averages, I would type =AVRAGE(), and then I would type in the exact cell location I wanted it to average. I love this feature, and it is much better than adding up 5 numbers in the google calculator and then dividing them. Spreadsheets are helpful in many ways, from counting your party guests to tracking the amount of books you read over the summer. Learning how to use google spreadsheets is easy, so I love using it for whatever random thing I have to keep track of.

I hope you all are well.

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