Posts Tagged ‘Ardsley Curling Club’

Curling Field Trip

Hiya everybody! Today we went on a field trip to the Ardsley Curling Club to curl. As part of our curling unit in Gym, we go on a field trip to actually curl on the ice, instead of using carpet squares on the Gym floor. We have been on the curling unit for about a month, the trip calling the unit to a close. The club has a total of three lanes (six houses) and the field trip was pretty great. Sadly, I am not the best curler, but I found it really fun, despite my lack of athletic ability. I especially love sweeping. We split up into teams, and got taught by volunteers how to curl. We learned how to correctly throw the stone and about the rules on the ice. It was actually really fun and I enjoyed it very much! We played the actually game for about an hour, before heading back to Heathcote. I believe the entire class enjoyed it and I hope you like curling too.