Posts Tagged ‘Finish’

Capstone – pt 3 – Finish!

After hours and hours of hard work on the script of my capstone, which includes my interview, my information, and my questions, I finally finished working on the hardest part of the capstone, the script. I poured over information for the past month, searching for answers to the questions I have asked at the beginning of this. Finally, I collected all the information I needed to start working on my script. I strived to write formally instead of the classic informal writing I use in this blog post. That was very very hard, and I didn’t enjoy that at all. But soon, the script was ready to go, and I could start working on my movie. Over the past two days, I worked my head off recording and animating my movie in WeVideo, a movie software that we used for other projects in the past. I scanned the internet for free pictures and terminology that I needed. It was hard work, but I finally finished the movie! Overall, I am proud of my work, having spent almost a month filling out the requirements for the project, and it will probably prepare me for middle school.

I also need to answer my main question, “How do the different participants in a courtroom trial interact to conduct a trial and reach a verdict?” That was a tough one, because there were two answers to it. One for criminal cases, and one for civil cases. For criminal cases, the system is harsh. The defense fights with the prosecution, the judge oversees, and the jury watches. For civil cases, the plaintiff fights with the defendant, but it could be the judge or the jury watching the trial. That is the answer to my main inquiry question. I would like to thank Mike Gluck, Mr Casal, and Mrs. Robert for helping me with this project.

Here is the link:

Feature Article – Done at last!

Hello everybody! After a month of hard work, me and Lsteil27 finally finished our article about Heathcote! Yay! We did the topic of Truancy for our article. No idea what that is? Check out our article below!

Ending Rocketry – Launch Two

Alas, the rocketry unit has come to a close. We launched our newly developed rocket into the air. On a terribly windy day and cold, we took our supplies and headed into the launch zone. After using trundle wheels to mark where we were going, assigned people put the launch pad down and attached everything to everything. Then we launched. 19 meters!!! 5 more meters than the last launch, we found our newly made nose cone helpful in developing a better rocket. Expedition mars has succeeded!!!

Rocketry has been a REALLY fun unit. From doing research to being on the field counting down, I loved it all! Even though our rocket didn’t go very far, we still had fun. I’d like to thank my wonderful group for being amazing teammates. I would also like to thank Mr. Casals for helping me with Rocketry videos and all of that. Mrs. Robert as the one actually setting up the launch. Last thank you, all of you!

I made a video documenting ALL the things my team and I did. Here it is!