Posts Tagged ‘Tynker’

The absolute value fish – Tynker – Pt 9 (Comp Tech)

There are only two weeks left in our computer tech class, and for our final project, we are making lessons about things we’ve learned in school in Tynker, than asking a series of questions about that. I chose absolute values, because you can explain it in two sentences, and I just like writing |20| = ?. Anyways, I had a fish explain the lesson because, well, I felt like it and I went to work dragging “if then else” statements across the screen. After just about ten minutes I had a lesson with three questions at the end of it, and it did what was asked and produced something that worked.

We also were asked to view other peoples projects, and it was very fun to see what people have done. Everybody did different topics, different sprites explaining the topic and different moods of their projects overall. One person did a project where they had a troll explain least common multiples, and would play music if you got questions right. Overall, it was a cute project, a little on the easy side but it was definitely fun to see what other people have done.


Music Video Project – Tynker – Pt 3 (Comp Tech)

Hello Everybody! Today I am talking about the program Tynker again. For our Computer Tech class, we are supposed to make music videos and animate something for them. My sound for the program doesn’t work on my iPad, but I chose the“fantasy theme,” for my project. I animated a dragon flying through space, looking for earth, and it wasn’t my best project, but I did what needed to be done. The animation was a bit choppy, but you could see the story I guess. I thought the project was a bit boring to be honest, but it was a good learning experience.

I hope you all are well.

About me project – Tynker – Pt 2 (Comp Tech)

Hello everybody! Today I am going to be talking about the program Tynker, and what we are doing with it. I am in the Computer Technology quarterly at my middle school, and we are using a program called Tynker to make it. Tynker is like a kids block based coding app where kids learn how to code and stuff. Anyways, it’s pretty easy. For class we have to build an about me page, where it shows different facts about ourselves. I put little people up on the screen, and coded stuff so that they would show a fact about me when clicked.  It went somewhat like this.

when actor clicked

Say “I have a cat,” for 3 seconds

Of course I don’t really remember what I put, but we don’t have to talk about that. Anyways, I put around 4-5 people on my thing and called it a day. Overall it was pretty easy, but it is a good learning experience.