Heathcote Arcade


 A few months ago our class was inspired after watching a video called Caine’s Arcade. In the video a boy named Caine built an arcade out of cardboard boxes and packing tape. Caine had built such sophisticated games such as a grabber machine, soccer match and he even made a booth where he gives out prizes and passes he also added in a little speaker so he could talk to the customers. When a boy in our class named Jared W saw the video he immediately wanted to create his own variant of Caine’s Arcade. One day in art Jared created this basketball/field goal game out of a little cardboard box thinking it was very cool I came over and asked if I could help. Soon after more boys wanted to join. Then the 5B Heathcote arcade was kind of born, we still needed more people to create and work more games. 
Below are pictures of games that 5B has made, on the left is Skeeball and the right is Whack a Mole made by the girls.
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Build Phase
    Our first real big game was Skeeball. Jared C and I started out with a cardboard box. We decided that a good Skeeball machine shape could be made with the sides of the box unfolded, it kind of already looked like the game. Our arcade started to expand from then on, lots of people started joining. In the beginning the arcade only included boys we realized the girls were also making an arcade so we decided to join forces. Our class made even more games now that we had much more people. Unlike Caine’s Arcade we have access to to circuit builders so that means we could make automatic electronic games. One that we made was from and arcade where you drop a ball in to a moving disc with holes and you try to get it into the holes. Jared W and I made the disc spin with a motor and the person playing will drop in the ball. People in our class also made prizes that cost tickets you win by playing games. A few prizes are superhero sets with the full gear and possibly a cape another is a lightsaber that looks like Kylo Ren’s from the new Star Wars movie.
Hopefully our arcade will be all finished by late March or early April.

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