The Wizard of Oz Epilogue

Here is my epilogue to the classic story, The Wizard of Oz if you don’t know what an epilogue is, it is an ending that you chose.

After Dorothy came back from Oz she lived happily with her dog Toto, aunt Em and her uncle Henry. She lived for many years filled with adventures such as the time she traveled to Treasure Island or the time where she met Frankenstein and she even met King Arthur and the Nights of the round table. Dorothy even traveled with Peter Pan to Never Land and fought Captain Hook. But Dorothy’s greatest adventure was when she came back to Oz and met all of her friends. The Scare Crow was a different story, he had become rich with power and became an evil ruler who all the Emerald City residents hated. They once tried to set him on fire during a bonfire ceremony. Sadly their attempt was successful.

    And the Tin Man who went to live in the land of the Twinkies lived happily and got along very well with them. Every night they would eat Hostesses and watch Sports Center on their 1000 inch Flat Screen TV. The Lion who was now the king of the forest lived for 3 years after Dorothy left. A T-Rex came and ate him because it wanted to be the king of the forest. But then a man came and kicked the T-Rex in the shin so he fell over and died. And the Wizard of Oz’s hot air balloon caught a jet stream and landed on a desert island surrounded by sharks, who were actually land sharks. So in the middle of the night Oz woke up being dragged into the sea by land sharks he quickly grabbed the nearest stick and clubbed the shark. After that he lived in a tree on the island because the sharks could not climb trees. Three days later he pulled a fully stocked yacht with a full crew out of his pocket and and he left the island in style. Oz’s boat was sunken by a mysterious RPG shot which blew up everyone on the boat except Oz, then while trying to swim to land he was eaten by a land shark.

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