Zoo debate reflection

Have you ever written a good topic that you extremely liked? Well i just did a debate about zoos and it was so fun and also it was very scary going up to the whole entire class. I’ll tell you what I mean.

For the start I had to gather research about zoos, It was a hassle reading all of these articles, websites and documentaries from home. when gathering evidence i had to make sure to also gather evidence for the other side to. I enjoyed researching and knowing all of these cool facts and I liked working with my team.

The only thing about the zoo article that i was not crazy about was when i had to do a counter if the person did a very good job and had a lot of evidence to back up there claim it was hard to make a counter. I learned to speak loud, don’t get distracted, don’t play attention to what the attendance is saying and read your script over and over.We did a very nice job because we had the right amount of word not to short not to long and we hardly stuttered.

In summary I think me and my team did a fantastic job and i had a very fun experience.


Literary Essay Reflection Assignment

This year in fifth grade we had to do a lot of blog posts. I’m going to be talking about my literary essay experience and how much I loved writing each of my individual essays. I hope you enjoy listening to me.

I loved writing each of my essays, But if I had to choose which one I loved writing the most I am going to say it is the Panyee Football Club essay. I loved writing about their very great experience and following their story and how they built their platform on water. The hardest thing about writing Literary essays is when you don’t know how to start in your introduction, you get distracted and you get behind.

The skill I used the most effectively for my Eve Bunting essay was the quotes. They helped me Double my paragraphs in size. Another way my technique that helped me for my Panyee essay is summarizing the story, It helped a lot because it helped me use more details in the story. For my civil rights essay was my hook, That helped me get a good introduction and really hook my reader. The difference between a feature article and a  literary essay is it is groped out very differently when it is done, The similarity between them is you need to research your topic.

All of my  literary essays this year have been very exciting and fun and I can’t wait for my next literary essay!

Halloween blog post #4



Did you know that Halloween originated in The United Kingdom.   October 31 is my favorite day of the year, because it is Halloween. I love Halloween so much because you get a lot of candy and you go trick or treating with friends. I always look forward to Halloween. This year I was going to be a werewolf because I didn’t want to be the same old thing like a storm trooper. This year was going to be no ordinary Halloween…

it is going to be better than it’s ever been! I finally got to go trick or treating with just my friends. As I got ready and put on my custom, I was wondering if my friends would think that it was me and I was wondering what my friends were going to dress up as.

 I was rushing to school so fast, my sister was so far behind me that I couldn’t even see her. I couldn’t wait to get to school. As soon as I walked in the building there were hundreds of balloons and fake spiders and spider webs everywhere. When I walked in my class I bumped into a 6 foot tall blow up T-rex. Little did I know that inside the costume was my friend Jackson waving. My whole entire classroom was filled with ghosts, goblins, sports players, Harry Potters and Squid game people. This was not a normal school day. We did  monster math, read about the history of Halloween, watched very old clips of Halloween movies and last but not least we watched the Nightmare Before Christmas. This just happened to be one of my favorite movies. Also we had to do the Halloween parade! We went outside and walked around the parking lot and after we marched around the whole lot and after my mom was finished taking a hundred pictures I thought to myself …I could not wait for it to end so we could go trick or treating.

After school I came home and dropped off everything, I got ready and rushed my mom to go. We hopped in the car and started to go to my friend Will’s house to go trick or treating! When we got to Will’s house and rang the doorbell I was greeted with a ghost face costume with blood on his face! After we begged your moms to let us go trick or treating, we set out with Will and his brother. First we trick or treating on his block but then we bumped into your friend. He gave us a tip to go to this house that had full size chocolate bars so we ran as fast as we could to the house and got ourselves the last bars. We went home with bags full of candy! I told you this wasn’t going to be a normal Halloween……. it was the BEST!!!!!!

This was my third time going trick or treating in Scarsdale and it is a lot different than trick or treating in the city. Here we get a lot more candy and you get to go to a hundred different houses but in the city you go to a lot fewer apartments. But either way I love going trick or treating!

first week of school blog post #1

trip next Did you know in 5th grade we are having capstone. People say 5th grade is hard and that is what I’m worried about. We are also going on a field month.

I’ve enjoyed the school  specials, I enjoyed P.E. the most, even though we had to sit on the floor for half of the time explaining the rules. We missed  P.E. on the first day of school. Which I was sad about and that I was really looking forward to. 

I am looking forward to getting to know my teacher better this year. She seems nice. I am also looking forward to doing the small projects for example. I love doing the index card challenge. It was fun when we needed to make the tallest tower by stacking the index cards. It was fun because we worked together.

This is the best school year so far and one of my favorite teachers, this year it’s going to end up great!

Identity Bag

In the second week of school, I had a identity bag that is when you have to bring things that represent your identity.

I brought in a signed baseball by Keith Hernandez and said baseball is special to me because it helps me get stronger and more athletic and I also love watching baseball. My favorite team is the Mets. The reason why i like the Mets is because my mom loves them and I also wanted to also like the Mets

I also brought in a Chinese dragon statue that is around 2 inches and it is made out of marble. On the back of the statue it says my name on the back in English and Chinese. I love this because I am half Chinese and my great grandma gave it to me when I was 5 years old. I only see her every 2 years so I love to see her.

My favorite one was my picture of my dog. She is 15 years old and in the picture she is holding a Chinese umbrella and wearing a Chinese dress. She is important to me because she has been there with me all of my life but i still don’t know how to do much with her just bite and the good thing about her is she doesn’t bite and most dogs do.

My last picture is me and my family, which is my sister, my dad and my mom. They are all important to me because first my parents took care of me since I was born and my sister has always protected me when I was little.


These are the things that I brought in for my identity bag this has been a very fun and exciting experince for me see you next time!

First Week of School

Did you know in 5th grade we are having capstone. People say it’s hard, and we are also going on a field trip next month.


I’ve enjoyed the school  specials, I enjoyed P.E. the most, even though we had to sit on the floor for half of the time explaining the rules. We missed  P.E. on the first day of school. Which I was sad about and that I was really looking forward to. 


I am looking forward to getting to know my teacher better this year. She seems nice. I am also looking forward to doing the small projects for example. I love doing the index card challenge. It was fun when we needed to make the tallest tower by stacking the index cards. It was fun because we worked together.


This is the best school year so far and one of my favorite teachers, this year i`s going to end up great!

Toy theater 2.0 week 7

This was hard way harder than ignite but it was hard to not mess up you had to do a lot of resreach but it was easy because all you had to do is read and write the resrearch recording was the hardest thing by far because you don’t know if the puppets are to high or to low or if they are back words. it was hard and then we had to rerecord our puppets and script but sometimes it was fun but sometimes it was really stressful one example is when in our first video was made drew kept on talking and yelling at us when we did some thing wrong and that stressed me and Mathew out. But instead of that it was the fun est thing we did in fourth grade because i liked my group writing the scripted and i liked making the puppets im pretty sher you will like it too !!!!!!!!!


toy theater 2.0 week 5

Me and my group recorded the puppets but we did terrible. We are going to rerecord I’m sure but we need to revise it even though we are not going to use it. Drew kept on yelling at us because we were holding the puppets wrong but its so hard when you are looking at the script and looking at the puppets but Drew does not know how hard it is because he has no puppets to play.