Immigration Blog Post #1

In our immigration unit, we learned about push/pull factors. To understand immigration better, I am conducting an interview with an immigrant, the immigrant that I chose was Yasong Jin. Once I had the interview finished, I’d have to transform the information into a Wevideo or an adobe creative cloud video.

The process of preparing for the interview was hard, I had to watch BrainPOP videos and the immigration videos of fifth-graders before me to help create good questions. I had to create a list of twenty questions so I could have multiple questions to choose from.  I couldn’t have more than fifteen questions or less than ten questions. The questions had to be open-ended, which means they had to be answered with more than one word. I had to consider if the questions I chose were important or not so important, it was hard to decide which questions should be cut out and which questions should remain.

The interview was conducted in person. It didn’t really go as expected because it was hard to get my immigrant to go into further detail, I had to tell him things like Describe…Tell more about…why or why not? I could get enough information. I learned that when you conduct an interview, you have to be patient and let the person you are interviewing get comfortable and you have to allow them to remember things. The most interesting thing I learned from the person I interviewed was that his family taught him how to cook when he immigrated to America.

In conclusion, the immigration interview was hard and I learned a lesson, I learned that you have to be patient, kind and let the person you are interviewing get comfortable. Also, I hope that the next part of this project is more fun than this part is.

Immigration Blog Post #2

Overall, the immigration project was pretty fun, creating the video was easy because it was written out in my script.

The process of making my video was challenging, I had to create a script so I knew what to say and what to put on the slides. Selecting images was challenging because I didn’t have many photos of my immigrant. I had to use photos from Adobe Creative Cloud to sub for the photos I didn’t have. Something challenging was that when I put in photos, they would be really big so I would have to crop them. Besides the photos being big the rest was easy and enjoyable.

I learned that when conducting interviews, you must be patient and gentle so the person you are interviewing will get comfortable and be able to tell you more things. I learned that my immigrant already knew how to read, write, and speak English when he got to America. Also, I learned that my immigrant needed to learn how to cook when he got here. When creating a video, you have to be calm so you don’t mess up even if something is going wrong or you’re device is glitching.

Overall, this project was very fun and challenging, and I learned things about interviewing, I also learned things about my immigrant.