Capstone Blog #1

Capstone is a project where students come up with a topic to research, you have to have a main question that you answer and 5 sub-questions to help you answer it. You need 5 resources to help you research your topic. You also need to interview an expert about your topic to get more information. After you have interviewed an expert, have 5 resources, 5 sub-questions, and 1 main inquiry question, you turn it all into a presentation, you have 3 ways to present, a TED talk, an ignite, or a movie. I think Capstone is a great project and it pushes us to do better.

To come up with my topic, I had to list topics that I was interested in or knew about, so it would be easier to research. I chose the topic of cars because I am interested in how cars have changed over time. I needed to choose a certain topic within cars so I thought of choosing the topic of how cars work and function but then I decided to do my Capstone on how cars have evolved to become safer and faster because I was more interested in that.

To come up with a main inquiry question I had to make questions and see which ones I was interested in. I was interested in a few so it was challenging to pick one out of many. I decided to research the question how have cars evolved to become safer and faster?

Coming up with my sub-questions was both easy and challenging at the same time, the first three sub-questions were easy to come up with because I knew I needed the answers to those questions to answer my inquiry question. My first 3 sub-questions are, what were the first cars like? What were some changes after the first cars? And, what are modern cars like? The other sub-questions were hard to come up with, but because my main inquiry question was how have cars evolved to become safer and faster? I knew I would need information on safety in cars and the speed, my fourth and fifth sub-questions are on speed and safety. My fourth and fifth questions are, what safety equipment has been added to modern cars to

So far, Capstone has been fun and challenging and I look forward to finishing and presenting my Capstone project.’

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