Capstone Blog #2

The purpose of the interview is so you can gather more information about your topic, the person you are interviewing should have new information. I think that the interview is very helpful because I got a lot of new information from it.

The process of figuring out who to interview was easy, my parents helped me find an interview. I thought I could interview someone who was a mechanical engineer or knew a lot about cars so that I could get as much information as possible. I found out that there was a place called, Mercedes of White Plains that fixed cars. I interviewed a person that was a service advisor named Frank DeMaio. When I wrote my interview questions, I included my sub-questions so I could get more information. Also, I came up with the rest of my questions by asking about safety, the speed of the car, and how the engine affects the speed of the car. Some of my questions are, what safety equipment has been added to modern cars for passengers and for the environment? I came up with this question because I knew I needed modern safety equipment so I could compare it to ancient safety equipment. Another question is, explain how hybrid cars (cars that run on gasoline and electricity) help the environment. I asked this question because one of my sub-questions is, how are modern cars safer for passengers and for the environment? I needed to know about safety for the environment.

My experience conducting the interview was good. The interview didn’t go as expected. The interview didn’t go as expected because it only took five minutes because the person that I interviewed already answered the questions and had them written down so I didn’t have to ask him. Something that I learned was that before modern cars, everything was metal and big and bulky in the old days because they thought that it would be strong. Today, we have impact zones that spread the impact throughout the car instead of the car getting hit in one place. The impact zones help because they lessen the impact on the car because they spread the impact throughout the car.

The interview was very helpful, I got a lot of information that I didn’t know before the interview. I look forward to making and presenting my Capstone project. I hope my project is great.

Immigration Blog Post #2

Overall, the immigration project was pretty fun, creating the video was easy because it was written out in my script.

The process of making my video was challenging, I had to create a script so I knew what to say and what to put on the slides. Selecting images was challenging because I didn’t have many photos of my immigrant. I had to use photos from Adobe Creative Cloud to sub for the photos I didn’t have. Something challenging was that when I put in photos, they would be really big so I would have to crop them. Besides the photos being big the rest was easy and enjoyable.

I learned that when conducting interviews, you must be patient and gentle so the person you are interviewing will get comfortable and be able to tell you more things. I learned that my immigrant already knew how to read, write, and speak English when he got to America. Also, I learned that my immigrant needed to learn how to cook when he got here. When creating a video, you have to be calm so you don’t mess up even if something is going wrong or you’re device is glitching.

Overall, this project was very fun and challenging, and I learned things about interviewing, I also learned things about my immigrant.