Capstone blog post number 1 – Choosing a topic
In fifth grade starting in May ending at the end of the school year you do a capstone project. A capstone project is one of the biggest projects in fifth grade where you eventually present a slideshow. For the capstone you have to choose a topic which you will research for two months and do your project about. For my topic I chose Athletic Training. It was a little challenging to chose my topic but after my parents gave me the idea I agreed to do it. I didn’t really know to much about the topic so I am pretty interested in learning and researching about it. Also I knew what I was going to do for my interview and my site visit. I am pretty confident about my topic. In school we were supposed to make a chart with questions that we would be researching about. On my poster I put nine questions. The question I chose was “What are the differences about basketball training and football training”. I am really excited and confident to do my capstone on Athletic training.