Category: Introduction

Blog post number 1: Choosing teams

In 5th grade we do a Rube Goldberg project. A Rube Goldberg is a chain reaction that intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and over complicated fashion. In Heathcote a Rube Goldberg project is when 1 to 4 people design a Rube Goldberg machine. First, you have to design on your group. It was a tough decision, but we made it all work out. The kids I decided to work with for the Rube Goldberg project was Eli, and Reece. I thought that the group would have a great potential to build a successful Rube Goldberg machine.


Next, after we choose our teams we had to decide on whos house to the project work on. And finally after a long discussion we figured to work at my house because I have the most space to do the project.

Finally, after sorting out our teams we started to plan.


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