Category: Science
Rube Goldberg #6 – Reflection
Our Rube Goldberg project so fun. My group and I had a great experience. We worked very hard and the hard work we put in payed off. We went through a lot of challenges like putting all of the dominos together to taping a cup onto a table and failing a ton of times. We took a lot of breaks to play xbox which was fun. It took a lot of time to get our whole Rube Goldberg building done. At first we started building in the attic but than we realized that we needed a table so we can put all of our materials on it.
After we accomplished the finished building my group was very relieved. At the start we had a lot of fails and it was very frustrating. But, buy our 16th time we succeeded! My group and I were super happy we never thought we were going to succeed. We made an imovie about our whole project showing going to the hardware store, our fails and successes and brainstorming. Our group and I had such a fun time with this project.
Rube Goldberg #5 – Our Success
Our Rube Goldberg was very frustrating because we had so many fails before our first success. Several times we dropped the basketball it bounced over the truck and didn’t hit the blocks. Since that kept on happening we moved the truck farther from the ramp. We used a stick each time to mark where the truck was so that if it failed we could move it, and if it worked we could keep it at the same place. Then, our next challenge was getting the cup just right so the ball would fall into it. The cup couldn’t be to high or too low it had to be just perfect so the ball would fall in. taping the tubes were also a challenge. We discovered when the tape was to tight there wasn’t enough air flow and the ball would get stuck.
We kept getting closer and closer and our last change was to move the toilet paper roll to the end of the ramp instead of infront of the goal. We weren’t really succeeding well at first but at last, we succeeded! My group and I were so happy and relieved.
Rube Goldberg #2 – first meeting
It was 4 days or so after I figured out who to work on for the Rube Goldberg project when my team met for the first time. My house didn’t have a lot of materials so it was hard to decide what to use for step 1. Finally, after some help from my mom we figured that shooting a basketball in a basketball hoop would be a good idea. After we accomplished step 1 we got stuck for a while. Finally, we agreed to use dominoes but, the problem was we didn’t have dominoes!
We got tired of working so we took a long break to play fortnite and golf. After the fun break we worked on the project a little bit more. We actually changed the step two the basketball hits a car that hits dominoes which we were going to get from Reece. And then after Eli and Reece both left I was excited for our next meeting.
Blog post number 1: Choosing teams
In 5th grade we do a Rube Goldberg project. A Rube Goldberg is a chain reaction that intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and over complicated fashion. In Heathcote a Rube Goldberg project is when 1 to 4 people design a Rube Goldberg machine. First, you have to design on your group. It was a tough decision, but we made it all work out. The kids I decided to work with for the Rube Goldberg project was Eli, and Reece. I thought that the group would have a great potential to build a successful Rube Goldberg machine.
Next, after we choose our teams we had to decide on whos house to the project work on. And finally after a long discussion we figured to work at my house because I have the most space to do the project.
Finally, after sorting out our teams we started to plan.
Rocketry Presentation
Today we had our rocketry presentation. I think that my group did great! Everyone memorized their lines and no one hesitated to say their lines. Our group only had three people and all of the other groups had four. I thought the whole rocketry unit was very fun and challenging. My favorite part of the unit was building our rocket and launching our rocket.
We practice very hard on our lines and it payed off. It was definitely worth it. I thought the whole unit was amazing and I want to do something like it again.
This is our presentation.
Ecosystem project
In 4th grade we do an ecosystem project. First we have to choose an ecosystem I chose the Tundra. And then we researched we researched in topics, the topics were consumers, producers, location, decomposers, unique, and fun facts. After we researched we did a PSA script, in the PSA script we outlined our ideas for the wevideo. After the Psa script we did a story board the story board is an organizer for our rough draft After we finished our storyboard we learned how to work we video, we video can make cool videos easily. so we learned how to make a we video by choosing any topic we want so we would know the basics of we video. We learned how to do transitions which are after the video or the picture is finished a sort of movement. And then we started a first draft on our Ecosystem. We also learned how to do voiceover, voiceover is our voice in the we video. We had to make the video 1 minute. Mr.Casal showed us a website to get better picture called
The hardest part of the we video was to get better pictures.
The easiest part was to get the video to 1 minute.
Plant Observations #4
Since we have pollinated, the leaves have been looking yellow, dark green, and purple. We have 7 pods. One purple stem and the rest are dark green. Soil was dry.
Since the last blog post the plant has been dying more and the leaves have been falling off. We also have bigger pods and more pods.
I think there will be two seeds. I think the seeds are going to look the same as they were in the beginning. I think this is because I got a little sneak peak at the seeds from high view.
I have learned that Mountain Dew kills your plant. And you should not pour too much water or not pour too little water. Plants need photosynthesis. Pollination makes the leaves fall off and the plants die. Photosynthesis is the process of when plants convert light, carbon dioxide and water and lets out oxygen. We gave our manipulated plant mountain dew. When we noticed that the plant was dying we tried to bring it back to life by giving it lots of water. But it failed. So then we just threw the plant in the garbage. For the controlled plant we gave it water then it was growing then we had to pollinate the plant then the leaves started to fall off. Our tallest plant was dying. We picked out the good pods which was only one so our group did rock paper scissors and I won. So I picked out the pod. But for two people in my group the get to open the pod and take the seeds. Here is our plant schedule we put are plants on a tray we take observations someone waters the plant. We take turns and i am 3rd. The plant took like 2 days to grow a sprout and than it just quickly grew into a pretty plant.
Plants Blog Post #3
We pollinated our plants and then I noticed that were starting to get pods but i also noticed that the leaves and the pedals are falling off. Before we pollinated our plants our tallest plant died because someone was squeezing and pinching the plant so that’s why the plants won’t be that tall.
Here are my observations for the controlled plant shortest plant 2 inch. Tallest plant 2 and a half inches. Widest leaf 1 centimeter wide. Least widest leaf a quarter of a centimeter wide wow that’s small! After we pollinated our plants there were starting to get pods and now the plant has 8 pods that’s a lot! Our plants grow about a quarter of a centimeter a day. Some leafs are even more than 1 centimeter wide. For the controlled plants its pretty high one of the plant is 3 and a half inches long. Some are 2 inches long and 2 and a half inches long.
I notice for the controlled plant that some of the colors on the leaves are dark green and some are light green. For one of the plants the stem is bent but for the rest of the plants the stem is straight up. The leaves are very straight and some leaves are bending some leaves are small and some leaves are big. There were lot’s of flowers blooming but after we pollinated the plant the flowers and some leaves starting falling off but then there will be a seed. After we pollinated our plants there were lot’s of pods it started out with 3 pods than 5 than 6 and now there is 8 pods! Isn’t that awesome. I think there will be a lot of more pods because I think there will keep on getting more pods. And I think that maybe every leaf will fall of because already a lot of leaves fell off so I think more leaves will fall off.
This is the picture of the controlled plant and the pictures were taken on may 30th
this is the picture of the manipulated plant
Plant Observations #2
Here are my observations for the past 6 days. On may 9th my observation for the controlled plant was that 1 plant is an inch tall. The plants were very green. There were 9 plants and on each of the plants had 4 leaves. And my observation for the manipulated plant was that nothing happened at all.
On may 10th my observations for the controlled one was that 1 plant was an inch tall. And one leaf died because someone accidentally poured mountain dew on the controlled leaf. And my observations were for the manipulated plant was that nothing happened. On may 10th we didn’t observe so on May 11th my observations were for the controlled plant was that 1 plant was 2 inch tall. 1 leaf was different from the rest of the leaves. And my observations for the manipulated plant was that nothing happened.
My observations on May 12th were for the controlled plant was that 1 plant was 2 inches a quarter tall. 1 flower is blooming. 1 leaf is 2 in a half centimeters wide. And for the controlled plant that still nothing happened.
My observations on May 15th because we didn’t observe on Friday and on the weekends. So my observations were for the controlled plant was that 1 plant was 3 inches tall. 1 leaf is 4 centimeters wide. Shortest plant is a half an inch tall. All leaves were very green. And for the manipulated plant was that still nothing happened.
On May 16th my group had to chose which plants to snip out because we had way to much plants so we need room for the plants so that’s why there will not be that much plants on the picture. My observations were 1 plant is 3 inches and a quarter long. Lot’s of flowers blooming. 1 leaf is 5 centimeters wide. 4 plants because we snipped a lot of plants of. 1 leaf 1 centimeters wide. Leaves are very green.
For the manipulated plant all of the plants were dead so now were trying to bring all of the manipulated plants alive so we gave it a lot of water because the plants didn’t get to have water yet be cause we gave it mountain dew for our experiment. It didn’t grow back yet but hopefully it will grow back soon. I think the manipulated plant didn’t grow because it had way too much sugar in the Mountain Dew it had 77 grams and it had corn syrup.
This is my controlled plant on May 15
This is my manipulated plant on May 15
Plant Observations #1
My class has been working on plants. We had to come up with a question. And my groups question was: If we put mountain dew on the plant would it grow taller. Because mountain dew has lot’s of sugar in it and plants produce sugar so we thought it would be a fun experiment. My hypothesis was that it would not grow taller. We had a manipulated and a controlled plant The manipulated plant was with mountain dew not water. And our control on was with water.
The first day nothing happened to both of the plants. And the second day the controlled one grew a little sprout. The third day it was the same.The 4th day the controlled one was an inch. And on the fifth day it was an inch and a quarter. And now the manipulated plant didn’t grow at all and the controlled one is an inch and a quarter. We had 1 problem and the problem was someone accidentally spilled mountain dew on the controlled plants leaf and then it died. Every day we take observations of the plant and measure the plant. And every end and start of the day someone waters the controlled with regular water, and the manipulated one with mountain dew. And we do 2 drops for the manipulated and controlled plant. I wonder what will happen next. I predict that the controlled plant will grow a lot and look beautiful. And I think nothing will ever happen to the manipulated plant. I think the manipulated plant isn’t growing because it has caffeine and 77 grams of sugar and corn syrup. I wonder what will happen next.
This was my controlled plant from about 5 days ago.
This is my manipulated plant from about 5 days ago.