Capstone blog post #3

I can’t believe Capstone flew by so quickly. This project was the best project I’ve had in my life because I got to interview new people and even doing research was fun. Everything for capstone was fun. I did an adobe spark video because out of all the video options it’s the best. The reason for this is because it has the most fun and challenging options to use.
When I was recording the whole time in the background I would hear people screaming. It was soooo annoying because it took at least 10 tries for each slide until they were quiet. This annoyed me greatly because it took so long. When I was searching for pictures and put them in they were very fuzzy so I had to search for so many photos till it was perfect.
I am looking forward to sharing my final product because it took me a long time to finish it and I want people to know what I did.
All throughout my project I was thinking don’t mess up don’t mess up and it worked. My project was very fluid and very fun. I wish I could do Capstone again in 6th grade.

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