Rube Goldberg #3 – Fixing Problems

After I finished my sketch, I started building more steps to my Rube Goldberg machine. At first I thought that it would be just as hard to build the next steps as it was before, but I was proven wrong. The sketch helped me know what materials I needed and where to place them. This helped me a ton on timing.The only problem was that some things that I built kept falling down, specifically the keva planks. The sketch only showed how I wanted the keva planks, it didn’t show if it was physically possible or not. I had to make some adjustments to my sketch so my Rube Goldberg was possible.

Another flaw in my plan was the dominos. It was very difficult to set them all up. In addition to that, I am planning  to use 1,000 of them. To solve this problem I put big spaces in between sections of dominos so once I set up one section I wouldn’t knock it over again. Eventually, I would put dominos in the gaps of the sections and hope that I don’t break them. So far I have built 16 steps, and I hope to build even more.  

Rube Goldberg #2 – Sketch

After my group met, I  started building more steps to my Rube Goldberg. I was on step ten in just a few days after my group left. That’s two more steps than what’s expected. Since my group only met once and we didn’t get much out of it, I started thinking about being in a group by myself. A few days later I told my group that I was going to leave their group and work by myself. After that I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I could get the credit for the work that I did. Since our teacher wanted everyone’s sketch next week, I decided to take a break from building and start drawing my sketch. My first sketch didn’t turn out so well. It had lines and bullet points going everywhere. I didn’t want my second draft looking like the first so I put my picture in the middle of the paper and put my notes on the sides. This was much neater and looked much better than my first sketch. I also got an idea for a future step from the draft. It was that a Lego is going to hit the enter key on a computer and that will play my dads voice, saying “Hey Siri Call Home.” There will be a phone nearby and it will call the house phone. So far everything has gone as planned and I hope to keep adding steps to the Rube Goldberg machine. My Sketch has 26 steps, and I hope I will be able to build all of the steps that I drew out.

Rube Goldberg #1 – Choosing Teams

Our teacher introduced us to a new project, making Rube Goldberg machines. Rube Goldberg machines are when something starts a complex chain reaction that does a simple everyday life task.

We started out by splitting ourselves up into groups, partners, or working alone that we wanted to build the Rube Goldberg machine with. My group including three classmates: Eli, Reece, and Chase.Next, we tried to make plans on when we were going to meet with each other. We decided to work with each other on Mondays and Fridays. After that we decided that the Rube Goldberg machine was going to be at my house because of all the building equipment that I have.

Our days that we were going to meet didn’t go as planned. One group member had to go to a sports event and other members had conflicts. Since we couldn’t meet I started working on the Rube Goldberg alone. I started by making a drawing of what I wanted my machine to look like, then I started building it. While I was building it I found that I couldn’t get to the top of the table from the ground. It took hours for me to figure out a solution. My solution was having a tennis ball make a wind-up car move which made another wind-up car move on top of the table. I was making progress. I was already on the 6th step before my group could even meet.

Then, on the Monday after the Rube Goldberg was assigned, my group came over to my house to work on the Rube Goldberg machine. The only problem was that my group didn’t want to work on the Rube Goldberg machine… they wanted to play on my Xbox and eat snacks!  After two hours of meeting, all we accomplished was one less step than I started with because one of my group members accidently knocked the pieces of a step down on his way out. I managed to fix it, but it took time.

I hope that in the future when my group meets we will be more productive.

The Great Kindness Challenge

Kids this week have been participating in the Great Kindness Challenge.

The Great Kindness Challenge is a series of tasks that you check off while you do them, which includes saying thank you to crossing guards, slip a friendly note into your friends backpack, give an apple to your teacher, smile at twenty five people, and many others. The point of the challenge is to get people into good habits like being kind. Teachers don’t want kindness to last just one week while the challenge goes on, but to keep being kind throughout life.

The week started out like it usually does, there was some kindness here and there, but it was usually a mixture between kind and unkind. As the week progressed students became much more kind motivated by the kindness challenge. The question is why can’t the kindness last after the Great Kindness Challenge? I hope that this year the kindness will progress even after the great kindness challenge.

The Great Kindness Challenge was a fun activity for students to over the week. Hopefully the Great Kindness challenge will also improve kindness.