Passion project #7-The journey

As my passion project has came to an end it is now time to reflect on everything that I have done. Firstly I’m going to tell you about the pros and cons of doing an E-Learning passion project.

The pros of working at home are that you can work on your passion project for as long as you like, because your at home. The cons on the other hand is that there are not. Any teachers to help you with this project in person. The pros and cons balance each other out.

Through the this journey I had to learn to do things on my own. My parents are super busy at work and I obviously cant get help from a teacher. For example I had to learn how to research on my own. I went to different websites and took out information from all of them.

There also has been one last thing that I have truly learned about through this journey.  I love researching when I am researching something that I like.

I really hope that we do something like this again!

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