Capstone#1 Choosing Topics

Our teacher assigned us a project called Capstone. It was a project where we picked a topic that we are interested in and we do a presentation on it. The presentation can be a TedTalk, an iMovie and so on. You can also build models and other visuals to go with your presentation.

As for picking what I wanted to study, my two first possibilities for topics were “Soccer” and “Structural Engineering.” I used a poster board to narrow down my topics. I did this by writing one of the topics down on a post it and putting it in the center of the poster board. Then I put questions I had on the topic next to the post it. I then realized that I had more questions on “Structural Engineering” than “Soccer,” so I picked “Structural Engineering.” Then I realized that the topic was too broad. I had to find a more direct topic. I then realized that on my “Structural Engineering” chart I had a lot of questions about Skyscrapers. I then picked “Skyscrapers” as my topic. I picked “Skyscrapers” because I’m interested in how you are able to build buildings that go so high in the air.

I am thinking of building a model of the world’s tallest skyscraper, and maybe some other tall skyscrapers. I think this will help show my audience what I am saying. While I’m talking about different parts of the skyscraper I can point to the parts on the model(s).

I think that Capstone will be a fun project, I am really looking forward to it.