Capstone#2 – Crafting a Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions

For the second part of my Capstone assignment I had to create a main inquiry question and five sub questions. It took me a few days to figure out a question that would go well with my Skyscraper’s topic. 

The first thing I had to do to pick my main inquiry question was do a little research. I watched a video that showed how skyscrapers have evolved and got taller over time. This led me to think that I should do something about how skyscrapers have evolved. I then went onto a website called and I did some research about some special features of different Skyscrapers. This led me to making my first Inquiry Question.

 My first main Inquiry Question was How has the building of skyscrapers evolved? What factors have contributed the most to the building of skyscrapers. Soon after I came up with that question I realized that my question only supported building a Skyscraper, not Skyscrapers in general. I then changed my main inquiry question to How has the skyscraper design evolved, and what factors have contributed the most to it’s evolution? I think this is a much better question because this question allows me to research the building of skyscrapers and lets me research special features of each skyscraper! 

Capstone has been a fun project so far. I like how you are able to do research whenever I want and am able to make a final presentation with models and digital examples I can point to.

I am really enjoying Capstone!

Capstone#1 Choosing Topics

Our teacher assigned us a project called Capstone. It was a project where we picked a topic that we are interested in and we do a presentation on it. The presentation can be a TedTalk, an iMovie and so on. You can also build models and other visuals to go with your presentation.

As for picking what I wanted to study, my two first possibilities for topics were “Soccer” and “Structural Engineering.” I used a poster board to narrow down my topics. I did this by writing one of the topics down on a post it and putting it in the center of the poster board. Then I put questions I had on the topic next to the post it. I then realized that I had more questions on “Structural Engineering” than “Soccer,” so I picked “Structural Engineering.” Then I realized that the topic was too broad. I had to find a more direct topic. I then realized that on my “Structural Engineering” chart I had a lot of questions about Skyscrapers. I then picked “Skyscrapers” as my topic. I picked “Skyscrapers” because I’m interested in how you are able to build buildings that go so high in the air.

I am thinking of building a model of the world’s tallest skyscraper, and maybe some other tall skyscrapers. I think this will help show my audience what I am saying. While I’m talking about different parts of the skyscraper I can point to the parts on the model(s).

I think that Capstone will be a fun project, I am really looking forward to it.

Immigration Post #5 – Editing Spark Video

After I had all of my slides done, I had to make my Spark Video perfect. I edited all slides, checked for spelling errors and changed lower cases to capital letters. I also made sure that what I was saying when I was recording made sense with what was on the screen.  I also made sure that everyone could hear me clearly. I also had to choose music that supported my slideshow. After editing I realized that I did not have information about where Indira arrived in America. I then texted her to get the answers. Then I added her answers to my Spark video. I think I did a good job editing.

If you would like to see my immigration video click on the link below.



Immigration #4 – Making a video

It was finally time to make a Spark video. I started my video, then came to a problem. I had to upload all of the pictures the immigrant Indira sent to me. This took some time but eventually I was able to do it by downloading the drive app. Another problem that I had to face was that some images I had weren’t adjusted properly. To solve this problem, I had to use Spark post. Spark post enables you to adjust images and text. Then you can later download Spark post into your Spark video. After I was done with most of my slides, I started to do audio. Recording took multiple tries to get right because sometimes people are talking when you are doing the recording and sometimes I said the wrong thing or forget my line. So far I am doing well on my Spark video.

Immigration #3- Spark video

At school my computer teacher showed me a new website to make a video/slideshow! It was called Spark! My computer teacher showed us how to use Spark, and then told us we were going to make a spark video about immigration. Spark is like a slide show that can have videos as well. Spark will be an easy way to show off what I learned about immigration from my research, and my interview. I am looking forward to using spark video.

Blog Post #2-Interview

This weekend I interviewed an immigrant. That Immigrant’s name is Indira. I asked her plenty of questions and she answered them all. Meanwhile I had the camera rolling. My dad taped me on a face time with the immigrant. This interview gave me plenty of information. I am very lucky to have the opportunity to interview an immigrant. This inspired me to learn more about the topic.

Immigration Project-1

This year my teacher assigned us an immigration project! We have to interview an immigrant, and create a spark video with the things we learn. But before we can interview an immigrant, we need 10-15 interview questions. 10 of them have to be open ended. Open ended questions are questions that aren’t one word answers, open ended questions should give the person your interviewing a chance to describe what happened in detail. These are some examples of open ended questions:

How was America better or worse than what you expected? Please explain.

How has your life changed since you came to the country?

On the other-hand, there are also closed questions or red light questions. These questions usually provide one word answers. Here are some examples:

How old were you when you left?

What is your full name? Where were you born? Where did you grow up?

Click here to see my interview questions

This should be a fun project!

Rube Goldberg #7 – Resources/Inspiration

Over the course of my Rube Goldberg, I had a lot of inspiration. Most were on you tube. My first piece of inspiration was on a you tube channel called Bearded Science Guy

The Bearded Science guy video I watched was about making a Gauss gun. This video was where I got my first Idea of doing a Gauss gun. This video clearly showed what you need, and how to make a Gauss gun.

The second video I watched was called the craziest trick shot ever! This introduced me to the cobra weave/stick bomb. This gave me the idea to do the stick bomb.

The third thing I watched was  how to  make a stick bomb/cobra weave. This accurately explained how to make the stick bomb.

The fourth and last video I watched was called Insane Stick Bomb Chain Reactions,(by Hevish 5  This video explained how to set off the cobra weave/ stick bomb with domino’s.

All of these videos helped me along the course of my Rube Goldberg,+ they were really fun videos to watch.

Rube Goldberg #6 – Success

All I needed now was a success… And I GOT ONE!!! After 100+ tries, I finally got a success! Almost everything went as planned, the only thing that didn’t was my domino split to activate my stick bomb. My Dad knocked the domino’s down with his feet and it still worked! My project still would of worked even if my Dad didn’t knock the domino’s down, anyways. Over the course of this project I learned that if you put your mind to something, and you give it your all there is a chance of success no matter how difficult it is.
Not only I got a success, My video worked well to. In my video I explained how my Rube Goldberg worked, my fails, my success and other ideas I had in mind, (that I didn’t use.) I ended my Rube Goldberg with 28 steps, 20 more steps then expected.

Rube Goldberg was a fun project that I will never forget. It is the only project that I ever done that requires building at you or your friends house. Rube Goldberg was a great project I wish I can do again.



Hope you liked my Rube Goldberg!!!

Rube Goldberg #5 – Starting to tape

After  completing my final steps, I placed cameras all around the house to tape my Rube Goldberg in action. I plan on using more than one camera because I can get all kinds of angels, plus if one camera runs out of battery, the other cameras will still get the video. From the beginning of taping, I have been making adjustments accordingly on what fails. There have been at least 8 things that didn’t work that I fixed and then they did work without having to replace the step. There also have been times that something that has always worked didn’t. At these times we didn’t do much about it but try again. If it doesn’t work twice in a row, that means it probably has to get fixed. A lot of taping is just trial and error.

I have taken at least fifty takes now, and my Rube Goldberg is so close to working. There have been times where the last domino fails or something really close to the end doesn’t work. At the beginning I wasn’t even getting past the first step-now I am getting close to the end every time. Without a doubt, I will get a success.