Vote For Me

Did you vote or are you still undecided, well if you don’t really know about the candidates you should learn so you know what you’re voting for. Hi, I’m Charlotte and I’m running for class president as one of the candidates. I will listen to your ideas and try to fix them to the best of my abilities. I’m honest, caring, and will help everyone. If you’re still not hooked, read my article then make your final vote.

The first rule/adjustment I would make is having more hands-on activities, Such as typing on your Chromebook and drawing diagrams. I think this is important because if you are always just writing in your notebook and sitting in your chair, maybe you won’t get as involved and understand what your teacher is teaching you.

The next rule/adjustment I would make is having more of a choice of where you can sit. Some people focus better at their desk and some focus better closer up. Some teachers give their students the option most of the time but some tell their students to sit at their seat or to always sit at the rug. Sometimes you don’t always have the option but during full class learning I think you should. Sometimes if everyone is sitting at the rug you can get distracted by a friend but if you’re sitting at your seat it’s a less likely chance you will get distracted. Kids get tired sitting in their chairs and would like to change it up.

If you want to have more seating options and more hands-on activities you should vote for me. This is just the start.

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