Partner Book Club Reflection

My favorite part of working in a partnership was being able to share ideas with each other and they actually knowing what I’m talking about. My second favorite part was being paired up with my friend so sometimes I could call her and we could work on are jots together.
The most challenging part for me was deciding on the reading. I usually wanted to read 25 pages and she wanted to read 15. So we had to come to a compromise. We ended up usually reading 18-25 pages every night. At the end it was pretty fun working with my friend and working in a book club.
My favorite book that I read with Sophia was “ Ways To Make Sunshine.” It was the most interesting book in my opinion. There were a lot of different characters and a lot of different things happening. Those types of books are my favorite kind of realistic fiction. My least favorite book was “ Meena Meets Her Match.” I didn’t really think anything interesting happened. The most interesting part was when she got seizure but they didn’t make it a big moment it was less then a page!
I think I was pretty good with my jots. I tried to expain my ideas and do different stuff everyday! Like predictions, retells, challenger sidekick and advisor, character web. Story mountain and a lot more stuff! It was sometimes hard to do two or three pages but I usually managed to do one sometimes two or three! At the end I enjoyed to jot.
In the books that I read with Sophia I didn’t really see any mirrors! I didn’t think any of the characters related to me. They all had a completely different life food illnesses and problems. Like in “Meena meets her match she got seizure and I don’t have a sizer. Another thing that is happening is she is in a big fight with her best friend and I am not. I don’t think I ever gotten in a fight with my best friend! Probably because she lives in new jersey and even though she lives in New Jersey I live with her for seven weeks every year and have a lot of play dates with Willa. Another book I can’t relate to is “Sleepover Squad.” Emily is not aloud to have a sleepover and i’m basically aloud to whenever I want. The last book I read with Sophia was “Ways To Make Sunshine.” My favorite book I read. She is moving into a new house well I am not. I there is only one mirror she can’t see her best friend a lot.
I think the most important part of working in a book club is being able to read your jots to someone who actually knows what your talking about, Reading what is agreed upon and being able to know that you will have time to read that much and I think the most important thing of working in a book club partnership is taking turns listening and talking. That’s what I really think is the most important parts of working in a book club partnership.
I learned that I enjoy working with someone. I thought it may be a little worse at first but at the end I actually really liked it. I learned a lot of thing by working in a partnership. I really really liked it!