Personal Narrative Reflection

I think I use really good punctuation. Like when my grandma said “CHARLOTTE come here so we can pay for your ice cream,” or “I can’t wait, we’re only at scoop shop,” we took a sharp turn right with my hands swaying in the air.In every sentence I ether used periods, question marks, exclamation mark and much more.

Probably the hardest thing for me was editing. I liked my story just how it was. But I tried to edit the ending and I think I made it better. 


There’s No Bad Gummy

I can’t wait, we’re almost at Scoop Shop!”

We took a sharp turn right with my hands swaying in the air. I pushed open the car door as the car said, “You arrived at your destination.”

I looked left to right with a smile on my face. As we walked across the street my Grandpa said, 

“What are you going to get?’’

“Cookies and cream ice cream,” I said. 

 With a big push on the door I ran to get cookies and cream ice cream before anybody else did.

‘’YES!’’ I said with a big push on the lever. SWISH in a flash it was filled to the top.

Then I went to the toppings table. I took a big scoop of gummy bears while licking my lips.

 ‘’CHARLOTTE!’’ my grandma called, “Come over so we can pay for your Ice cream.” I hurried over.

“Thanks again for paying for my ice cream,”  I said with my eyes shimmering.

“My pleasure sweety,” my grandma said and handed me my ice cream.

 I took a big bite, “YUM!”  So I took another bite. This is heaven I thought. So I took another bite. “EWWWW!” I screamed. I was shocked I didn’t like it! So I decided to investigate. Red,blue  and…

“EWWWW!” I spit out the gummy. While sticking out my tongue. It was an icky, gooey ORANGE GUMMY!

I’m never going to have any gummy bear ever again, I thought. But the next day at my kitchen table,”I can’t believe I was actually going to give up on you, only the orange ones,” I muttered. I grabbed a big handful of gummy bears poking around to see if they were any orange gummy bears. I took a deep breath in and threw a pile of gummy bears into my mouth.


“Uhhhh so good “ and licked my lips.