Technology Behind Washing Machines

For this weeks blog post I will be writing about washing machines. I got inspiration for this after I was using the washing machine to clean my family’s clothes. Then the idea popped in my head! I thought “Hey! That would be a great idea for a blog post!” So, I went to my desk and started working.

The technology behind a washing machine has multiple aspects to it. During the wash cycle, a large piece of plastic spins around the clothes exposing every angle of the clothes to the water. The large piece of plastic is powered with by an electric motor as well as the water system. The water system works by having water stored form pipes, and being pushed out after the electric motor turns the inner drum that causes the water to come out of the outer drum. A fun fact about the technology is that the machine is made up of two simple machines. They are a lever, and a wheel and axle.

It was fun to understand the technology behind a washing machine, and I am excited to learn more about other technology soon.

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