Blog post 9: Building my first simple circuit

In this post I will be talking process behind building my first simple circuit, Below is a picture of the product:

First we collected our materials, and that consisted of the breadboard, the led lights, the wires, the battery, the clip that attaches to the battery (with wires attached to the clip), and the resistors. The first step to making the circuit was to attach the clip to the battery. Then you had to attach the red wire to a positive column and attach the black wire to a negative column on the opposite side of the breadboard. Next, you used your wire cutter to slice the outer plastic of of a red wire (4 inches long on each side of the wire). Those ends without the plastic layer will be used to stick in the breadboard. Next, you place your led light in the breadboard by placing the shorter leg on the side with the negative column on the right side. Then you place the longer leg in the same row as the shorter leg but on the side of the board. Next, you take the wire (that you sliced the outer plastic off) and you stick one end of the wire in the positive column and the other in the same row as your led light. Finally, you take one resistor and attaching side of  it to the negative column, and attach the another side to the same row as your led light. Finally, your led light will light up. You can repeat that process to make a second led light light up.

Soon, we will be making more advanced circuits and I can’t wait to learn more!

Technology behind Hydroelectric Energy

For this weeks blog post I will be talking about the technology behind Hydro Electric energy. I got my inspiration for this post from our renewable energy unit in science.

The technology behind this form of energy is actually quite simple. As you open the gates of a dam, water falls onto a turbine that spins and powers a generator. The generator converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy (electricity). The turbine is used to create many sources of renewable energy and it is crucial to the success of creating the sources of energy. This system is renewable because water is constantly cycled in our world (it never runs out).  It also doesn’t pollute the environment, so it is much better for the environment than fossil fuels.

Overall, I think it is very interesting to learn about the technology behind many things, and I really enjoyed creating this blog post. I think Hydroelectric energy is a great source of energy and has a lot of potential to be even better than it is currently.


Week 7 Blog Post: Technology Behind Solar Pannels

For this weeks blog post I will be writing about the technology behind solar panels. I thought of this idea because we are currently learning about renewable energy in science, and I thought that I could use information that I have learned about solar panels to help me with this blog post.

The technology behind a solar panel is actually quite simple. After sunlight falls on a layer of semiconductor, it moves electrons causing an electrical current. The electrical current can then be used for energy. The more sunlight there is, the more energy the machine can produce. This is all being done while not polluting! And it’s renewable! It’s honestly an amazing invention that will help this world so much going forward.

In conclusion, a solar panel’s technology is absolutely amazing since it takes a renewable source of energy (the sun) and can make a lot of energy. It was great to be able to write about something I have learned about in a blog post, and I look forward to the next time.