Technology Behind Light Bulbs

For this weeks tech blog post I decided to write about the technology behind light bulbs. My inspiration for this was looking for things around my house that would be interesting to write about, soon enough I saw a light bulb and I thought this weeks blog post would be a perfect opportunity to learn more about them. The light bulb is actually very simple, surprisingly, you simply run an electric current through a thin filament, which causes it to get hot. Hot objects emit light , so the bulb glows. Simple, right! A fun fact about light bulbs is that they use a screw to be able to screw into an area. Another cool fact is that the lightbulb was created in 1802 by Humphry Davy and was originally called the Electric Arc Lamp. Moving on, you may notice that every light bulb has something that controls it, that is normally a light switch. A light switch is actually a first class lever that either turns the light on or off. The light switch works by having you push on the switch to the on position to light the bulb, the gate snaps close, completes the circuit, and allows power to flow through the switch and onward to the light fixture. When you flip the switch to the off position, the gateway opens up, interrupting the flow of power to the light fixture. That’s it for this weeks blog post, I am excited to keep expanding my knowledge about technology soon.

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