Week 7 Blog Post: Technology Behind Solar Pannels

For this weeks blog post I will be writing about the technology behind solar panels. I thought of this idea because we are currently learning about renewable energy in science, and I thought that I could use information that I have learned about solar panels to help me with this blog post.

The technology behind a solar panel is actually quite simple. After sunlight falls on a layer of semiconductor, it moves electrons causing an electrical current. The electrical current can then be used for energy. The more sunlight there is, the more energy the machine can produce. This is all being done while not polluting! And it’s renewable! It’s honestly an amazing invention that will help this world so much going forward.

In conclusion, a solar panel’s technology is absolutely amazing since it takes a renewable source of energy (the sun) and can make a lot of energy. It was great to be able to write about something I have learned about in a blog post, and I look forward to the next time.

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