Final Plant Blog Post.

Recently, me and my group grew seed pods on our plant. Inside the seed pods they grew seeds. A seed pod is a part of a plant that grows if pollinated. Our plant was pollinated so it grew seed pods. Seed pods are like a bag around the seeds. They keep the seeds inside the seed pod to grow and eventually fall out. You can also take them out by taking the seed apart.

The life cycle of a plant starts from a seed. Any different kind of flower can have seeds in some way. If the seed we were growing was a daisy, then the seed it started growing from was from a different daisy. It’s like that plant has a mom or a dad. After the seed has been placed in the soil it starts to create roots. Roots hold the plant in place and sucks up water from root hairs on the root. Then it starts to grow from sunlight and other nutrients. First it grows a stem, and as soon as it detects light, it creates leaves to gather it. It keeps growing taller with more leaves and eventually grows buds. The buds turn into flowers hoping to get pollinated. The flowers petals have color because the want to attract insects. After pollination the petals fall of because they no longer need to be pollinated. As this happens, the plant grows seed pods and eventually releases them. The seeds might be carried by the wind or disposed by an animal to grow. This is the life cycle of a plant. I had a great time learning about plants and I hope you did too.



My Cultural Universals and a Map of Scarsdale


The rules that are in my house are to only do thirty minutes of anything on a device (except homework.) Also to do homework before doing something on a device, eating dinner before desert, and to have atleast three fruits or vegetables before desert. Also, before I can either have desert or do anything on a device, I have to practice playing the piano for fourty five minutes each day.


Social Aspects

School, math, reading, writing, board games, some video games and more.



I have no beliefs.


Cultural Arts

My favorite movie is “Revenge of The Sith”. My favorite book is “Tigerheart’s Shadow”, My favorite song is “Centuries”, and I play the piano. I also play basketball.


I use a car to get places,and to get food I go to Balducci’s.



Wolf Packs – A Dream Come True

I chose to write about wolves and their packs for my love of animals, and for my passion to teach. I also love wolves. So I figured why not write about them. The experience was hard work each day and a lot of effort. Every night you feel time ticking out but then you learn to overcome that. We learned text features and where to put this and that. Also so much more. I learned so much and now I’m here, as an accomplished writer.


Reflection On Persuasive Writing Experience

My persuasive speech was about animals and their habitats. Throughout the unit, I learned how to organize my text, to talk to the audience, and to have evidence that makes sense and how to have a strong thesis statement.

I think that the most effective ways that I learned to convince and persuade the audience throughout the unit was to talk to the audience, like “You might ask….” Also, to write a good persuasive speech you need to have a lot of evidence to support  a strong thesis statement.

I think that I should have looked up at the camera more, exaggerated my feelings, (of course you might get a little stage fright at first,) and I think that I could have talked louder with making it clear to the audience when I was talking.

Honestly I don’t know what I could have done better in my speech. Maybe I have to ask others but maybe, it’s good how it is.


The Time I Broke My Wrist


“Come on,” I told my friend, scratching my arm.  “It’s time for snack! You don’t want to miss it do you?”

“No way,” he said, jumping up and down ready to run.

We raced out of the classroom and ripped out our snacks from our lockers. We sat down together and and talked about recess. We told each other that we did not have a ball to play with, so we agreed to go and play on the monkey bars.

We ate our snack so fast that we did not even know that we were eating.

We were jumping up and down like jumping jellie beans looking for our teacher to call our class out for recess.We looked around and saw people talking and eating their snack slowly.

For a second I thought that I still had to have my  snack.

Finally our teacher called, ”Kindergarten friends eyes up,” and we repeated.

“Eyes up!”

She said, “My class line up at the door for recess my friend and I raced for the door to go out for recess.

She opened the door and we ran out like we didn’t have a mind! We raced out to the monkey bars with our heart pounding fast and when we got there we swung, and swung, and swung.

I got to the end and so did my friend. We looked around us and saw everybody laughing and playing games. I thought what could I do to make this more fun.

We decided to go backwards to make it more fun and then…WE BUMPED INTO EACH OTHER! I fell off the hard surface and went flying in the air!

Slightly before I fell on the ground I put my hands out to support the fall, but instead of it helping… it ruined my day.I fell on the ground with my hands twisted and tangled. It felt like my hands were little twigs about to snap. I fell on the ground and my wrist hurt a little, but not too much but my left wrist hurt a lot more than my right.

Sometimes at unexpected times it would sting inside the bone of my left wrist.

I slowly walked to the nurse with my head hanging low. I walked into the nurse’s office and I felt my left wrist sting again.

I squinted and ruffled my face together as I said,“Well, oh, well,” holding my left wrist.