Designing and Building Rocket #1

In our rocketry group we designed and built a rocket and as our first design began we made a sketch of what we thought was necessary. Strong supportive nose cone made with paper and electrical tape, using skinny pipe for body and much more. We used 3 fins and cardboard for the fins. we thought this would balance out the rocket more. Our rocket became very balanced because of this.

After about three or four days we started to build our rocket based on our design. We made everything how we planned it. We made a paper nose cone rapped in electrical tape for support and balance. We made cardboard long and skinny sturdy fins. We used a skinny pipe to make it more arrow dynamic and balanced out. It was very exciting for me to build the rocket because I like to craft and create stuff. We all worked together at building the rocket. I think this benefited us tremendously.

I think our group did really well collaborating. We compromised and agreed on a lot of things. In my  opinion we were a really good group. This is a huge part of why we were successful. I remember thinking “How are we going to build this thing? What are we going to use? Will it be hard to build?” Then we built it and it seemed so easy.

Overall I think we worked really well together as a group and that working well together was a huge part of our success! I really enjoyed designing and building our rocket!


I think rocketry has been okay so far, but I think it will be pretty fun when we get to building and launching the rocket. I have experienced making an inspiration board so far and so far it is my least favorite part. Printing out pictures and ideas that inspire us, gluing it setting it up. That’s not really my thing. But building is.

In our first rocket design as a group, I really liked the designed we came up with including three fins instead of four, making the body thin, and making the nose cone sturdy and not to slim. I think that our rocket will be very successful although I think we will make adjustments.

I have learned how a rocket can be successful. Some examples are, the body should be pretty skinny but sturdy, we should have a pretty acute angle fins, The nose cone should be sturdy and slim, and much more. Overall I really am looking forward to building the rocket and launching it.

Identity Bags and Maps Reflection

I thought the identity bags were a good experience. I learned many things about my classmates but nothing about my self. I learned who liked to cook, to bake, to do arts and crafts, and much more. I already knew that I loved basketball and the ravens e.t.c. But what I did not is that a group of people liked to bake or cook. I didn’t know that a group of people liked arts and crafts. I think this was a really great experience because when you know more about people you can bond with them.

In the identity maps I got to be creative with drawing and show people stuff about myself so I thought it was a good experience too. By looking at others maps I learned more things about them that they couldn’t represent from the identity bags. Overall I really liked this project and learned a lot from it.