Plant Blog post #3

We started to pollinate our flowers by getting pollin from the anther and putting it on the stigma. The effect of pollinating is this, right above our flowers we are seeing the anther get bigger. This happens when the pollen travels down the stigma to create seed pods. What has happened is just the first stage before it releases the seeds.


Our controlled plant has been growing little by little but mostly been producing seeds. The plant probably hasn’t been growing as much because the plant is mostly focusing on producing seeds or that the plant has grown quite a lot so the plant might not grow anymore. Maybe it has reached its maximum height. The manipulated plant has not been growing much since we took away a variable (air) from the plant. It looks like plants need air to survive.


I think that soon enough, our controlled plant will move to the next stage of producing seeds, (which is producing the seeds and then releasing them.) As for the manipulated plant, i think it’s going to stay as it is for now.




Plant Blog Post 2

Here are some updates and observations on my controlled plant…

Day 6: Growing well.

Day 7: Growing tremendously

Day 8: Growing more, buds starting to sprout

Day 9: Buds are clearly visible, and the plant is growing

Day 10: Buds growing and so is the plant

Day 11: Flowers starting to sprout

Day 12: Flowers growing little by little and the plant is still growing

Day 13: Flowers clearly visible and I am seeing yellow on the flower

Day 14: Everything is the same

Day 15: Growing a little

Day 16: Flowers are growing

There has been a lot of fast growth and the plant has been thriving.

Here are some observations of my manipulated plant…

The plant is still growing a little and weeping but sturdy. Some buds are  visible and the plant is still alive. Not much growth but the buds are still visible. The buds have not grown and the plant is still weeping more. The manipulated plant is not doing very well but my group will see what will happen.

As for the controlled plant, I think these things happened because it has every variable and is healthy. Also, I think that the outcome of this happened because it was a healthy plant in general, we gave it the same amount of water per day and this plant could handle this routine.

Now, to the manipulated plant. Before this we took away the variable air from this plant. In order to do this, we put a plastic bag around the plant. Now to my conclusion. I think these things happened because it was not used to having no air and it might have needed it. Although it has still survived, it can clearly not be a healthy plant in this stage. I think that the outcome was this because the variable (air) missing mattered, the plant was not used to this type of life, and in general, the plant was not healthy for those reasons.

These were some of my thoughts and I hope to learn more about plants.


Plant Blog Post 1

The proccess of making the plants was this…. First we used quads, that is a styrofoam square with four cells. Then, in each cell we put dirt and put five drops of water in each cell. Then we put a wick in each cell. Right after that we put three seeds of fertilizer and two plant seeds in each sell. Then we put a little more dirt on top of it. Then all we had to do was wait.  

We also manipulated one variable, air. We made a hypothesis about this manipulation and this is what it was. The plant will survive without air because it has no way to contain it and therefore it does not need it.


My plant observations of my controlled plant were…

Day 1: Cell three was starting to sprout.

Day 2: Cell three is growing a little more and others are starting to sprout.

Day 3: Cell two is thriving.

Day 4: Cell three is thriving and cell two is growing. Cell four is growing too.

Day 5: Cell three is thriving, cell two and four are growing.


My plant observations of my manipulated plant were…

Day 1: Doing well, no growth.

Day 2: Starting to weep just a little and doing well.

Day 3: Weeping a little more and still is doing well.

Day 4: Doing well and weeping,

Day 5: Weeping more but still has survived.

We will see if we are right about our hypothesis and we hope to learn a lot about the plant process.


Controlled: Has sunlight water dirt

and other normal details.


Minipulated: Does not have normal details.

Maglev final post #3

Our first track design was to have four strip and six disk magnets on the track. While our trains first design was to have one strip magnet on each side of the train with four disk magnets. It was a lot of magnets and we couldn’t even fit that much.


The problem that our group faced was that our train was to heavy so it didn’t levitate. Also, we faced another problem. It was that the track magnets were not lined up with the train magnets so it didn’t levitate. So we revised these problems by making an even amount of magnets on the train and the track. (One magnet on each side of the track and train.) But the amount of magnets on the track wasn’t enough to make the train levitate. So we added one more strip magnet to each side of the track. Now there were two strip magnets on each side of the track. This worked.

The final design of the track was to have two layers of strip magnets on each side of the track and for the train, only one strip magnet on each side of the train. This worked because the track magnets were lined up with the trains and that the train wasn’t too heavy.


The thoughts I had while designing our maglev train were… being very stressed and overwhelmed by all the ideas my group had, another couple thoughts I had were thinking about what to improve, and finaly, being pleased with the amount of progress overall. This was our journey through the EDP experience.






Maglev post #1

A maglev train is a piece of technology that runs on magnets and levitates above the track. This allows it to have extreme speed. We made mini maglev trains and this is what happened so far. My groups idea for the track was to put four strips of magnets on the track and to put eight other disk magnets. For the train, we put four little strips of magnet and tried to get our train to levitate above the track by using repultion. For example, we had the trains magnets using the north poles and the tracks too. We hoped that it would levitate but we had to make a few adjustments first.

The adjustments that we made that worked were taking two strips away from the track and all the disk magnets so that there was only one strip on each side of the track. When we took of two strips from the train it was even with the track so it started to levitate. But that wasn’t enough to get it to glide from one side of the track to the other. Also we were trying to get it to do that by only giving the train a little push. We tried to add three disk magnets to the train but that was unsuccessful so we decided that we should use one. That was successful. 

I thought that the experience was great when we collaborated and also took in and tried others ideas. But sometimes we disagreed and I think that we could of done a little bit better in thinking about others ideas, but it was a phenomenal  experience over all.