Are colony poster experience was fun because we got to express our colony in a poster with our own creativity. My poster connects to my colony by expressing the great farmland of the are as my colony is in the southern areas. When we got to build the colony it taught me teamwork and it was fun seeing our very own colony coming together. All of this has taught me a lot about american history and life skills.
Category Archives: Social Studies
Explorer Infographic
This is an infographic about an explorer named Ponce De Leon and I have done lots of research to make this. I put the most important parts of my research into this infographic. I hope you enjoy!
Cultural Universals on Canada
Right above this text, I have made a book about Canada and it’s cultural universals. I decided to write about Canada because I didn’t know much about it and I wanted to learn more. I put my information into five subtopics and they are politics, cultural arts, economics, social aspects, and beliefs. My favorite part of this process was putting all my information into a book. I thought that finding a lot of information for certain subtopics was challenging, but a part from that, everything was normal. I hope you enjoy the book and learn something new. Enjoy!
My Cultural Universals and a Map of Scarsdale
The rules that are in my house are to only do thirty minutes of anything on a device (except homework.) Also to do homework before doing something on a device, eating dinner before desert, and to have atleast three fruits or vegetables before desert. Also, before I can either have desert or do anything on a device, I have to practice playing the piano for fourty five minutes each day.
Social Aspects
School, math, reading, writing, board games, some video games and more.
I have no beliefs.
Cultural Arts
My favorite movie is “Revenge of The Sith”. My favorite book is “Tigerheart’s Shadow”, My favorite song is “Centuries”, and I play the piano. I also play basketball.
I use a car to get places,and to get food I go to Balducci’s.