Personal Narrative

They splitted us into  groups. The Brainiacs and the Masterminds. The Brainiacs were  Thea, Spencer, Rhea, Dean, Ethan, Ryan and Paras. Lindh slowly opened my eyes, jumped out of bed, and ran in front of the schooran. I was excited . I grabbed my lunchbox, ran to my seat and sat with Mason N. Mason. What do you want to do today? We were just getting started. Mrs. Ly ran in the cl. In the afternoon we were at recess. We  were playing kickball. When it was my turn I kicked the ball hard and ran to first base. When it was the other person’s turn he waited for my brother to get into the shower. Then my brother was done so I could get in. When I was done, I ran into my room and put on lotion and put on my clothes.I rocked the ball and I ran to second base. The other person kicked the ball, I ran to third base and when the other person kicked the ball I made a home run. I ran as fast as lightning and thunder. I made a homerun and it opened the door. We were in line order and we were like stuffed bowls. Go, get to the door, she put the door. I scrambled to my locker, I put my lunchbox into my backpack and I quick

I was talking to Mason C, “What do you want to write?”

“What can you write?” asked Mason. He wanted to write about him on the beach. I thought we were going to write about the bathroom and brushed my teeth . I was excited for school. 

My mom yelled “ Hurry up”. I went down the stairs and ate breakfast fast. After that i put on my shoes quickly 

and put on my backpack and ran outside.and said,” Bye, mom”.I  ran into the bus and sited on the sit we went to the next when we got to where school when the bell ringed we ran into the Heathcote school i ran into the 3 grade wing and i took my homework floeder and we put were homework on a table and we were do morning work and the next subject and we were writing our story. I wrote about the first day ird day of school.

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