Persuasive Writing Process

My Reflection on the process

The process was hard because I had to make a brain dump on pollution even though cars can also start pollution. The battery is full if it crashes  the electric car will boll up and poison the grass.but i rant soft.the hard thing was narrowing  down to where we live my new the title was responsibility we wrote until the writing process was hard because we write our persuasive writing  on three set we were ready to type it for a long time which we did for homework the size of the writing was thirteen. First, I thought of an idea that I had to be passionate about. Then, I wrote an essay. After that, I put the essay on a script. Finally, I put the script on a slideshow. 

My Essay on Pollution 

In my opinion kids should clean their rooms because if they don’t clean their rooms they will not be able to live on their own in the future. Kids need to have responsibilities so they don’t get spoiled, and they can teach the next generation the right thing to do.Have you ever wondered what the world would look like if kids did not have responsibility?  Kids see litter and their parents tell the kids not to pick it up. And put it into the litter box. Be good citizens by taking responsibility for your own cleaning places with people and picking up litter if you see it. This is bad because they are learning from their parents and others. Parents should teach them to clean the place and home so that kids know what to do if their parents are not there.Parents sometimes say to their children that they will clean their room. If the children don’t do this it can lead to a bad future for them and possibly a bad future for their kids. This causes litter and garbage in a lot of places and they don’t think about the consequences. Most people are not careful with litter and garbage, and most people do not realize how dirty the earth is. Kids sometimes leave litter in a park or dirt or sandwich bags or chip bags and a spray toy that causes more pollution in the world. 

When kids see something like parents not cleaning their room, this influences them that they do not need to clean the house or clean their room. If  kids clean their environment, half of the world will be clean and green. Sometimes parents don’t let their kids clean places which will make other places they are in filthy. Sometimes when kids don’t feel like they want to clean their room and their parents tell them to clean their room and they don’t they will leave the litter on the road. If this goes into the water, this can kill many animals.If kids clean their room and other places animals will live for a long time.Here are some reasons why kids don’t clean their room:‘’Depression, anxiety, stress, executive functioning issues and even defiance may contribute to problems taking more responsibility for their space and their actions.So if kids don’t feel stress, maybe we can clean their room and the world. 

My Video

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