Immigration Interview Reflection

Have you ever immigrated? The immigration project was really interesting because I got to learn about a topic I have never really talked about. I had to come up with questions then I sat down and asked the questions and I had a conversation about it. Overall, I would love to do the project again. Do you know anybody that immigrated?

When I found out about the immigration project I immediately started to think of who I wanted to interview. I had a couple people in mind so I chose the person who I thought had a really interesting story and background, which was my great-grandma. Then we had to come up with questions to ask. It was hard to come up with so many questions because I knew the answer to most of them already so I had to come up with new ones. My teacher had a sheet of examples of questions so that really helped me think of more. I had fifteen questions to ask and those questions really helped me come up with the story. That is how I prepared for the interview.

Conducting an interview was really a cool experience. My interview was in person and I had my chromebook with all the questions on it. When she would answer the question I would follow it up with follow up questions to make a conversation out of it. It was really amusing to learn and talk about her experience. The most impressive thing to learn about was why she wanted to immigrate to the US. The interview went as expected. We got to really have a conversation about it. One thing I learned about conducting an interview is you need follow up questions to make a conversation out of the question and that also you have to be open to learning new things. That is how my interview went.

In conclusion, preparing for the interview and conducting an interview was fun and interesting. I would like to do this project again anytime. Do you know anybody that immigrated?

Feature Article Reflection

Have you ever made a feature article? Making a feature article was definitely harder than I thought it would be. My topic is about dance. It was hard to make because a lot of thought had to come into making it but I definitely think it came out well.

When we started talking about making the feature article we had to come up with a topic and a message we wanted to communicate to the reader. When we were coming up with a topic we had to do one that we know a lot about. We didn’t really do any research about our topic. When I was little, I did dance which helped me learn a ton about it now. When I was little, I did so much dance which helped me learn plenty about it. Then, we had to pick a message we wanted to communicate to the reader. A lot of people think dance is actually really easy and they can wear whatever they want and just dance. But, that’s really not all you do. So I wanted to tell the reader dance is not that easy. That is how I came up with my topic and message. 

Writing a feature article is similar to writing a personal narrative but also so different. Writing a personal narrative is a much shorter process than writing a feature article. There is normally no formatting you have to do and you don’t really need pictures, fun facts, and vocabulary boxes. That is mostly the difference between a feature article and writing a personal narrative.

Although making the feature articles was super fun to make, there were some challenging parts of making it. One thing that was hard was formatting it. We had to find the right size pictures and have everything consistent. All the sizes had to be the same, fonts, and colors. Another thing that was challenging about creating the feature article was deciding what made sense to include in each sentence. Also what was challenging was coming up with the title, subtitle, and section headings. The section headings had to make sense on what we are gonna talk about. The title has to be catchy and fun but also make sense. The subtitle had to explain the title a little more but it was still super short. Like I said it was challenging but it was also super fun to make. One thing that I enjoyed was adding the pictures and even though I said formatting was hard it was also super enjoyable. I thought it was enjoyable because we kind of just got to play around with it and see what works and what doesn’t. Lastly, what was enjoyable was making the fun facts box because I knew a lot about dance but I even learned more because I searched for some fun and interesting facts about dance. That is what I enjoyed and what I thought was challenging about creating the feature article.

I used a bunch of interesting techniques to make my feature article more interesting. One thing I used a lot was a vocabulary box. I also used a fun facts box once just to give some more information. I also put a ton of pictures because it is hard to describe some sections. So, I thought the pictures would help describe what I am talking about. I also named the sections what it is about to talk about and for the title we choose a catchy title. On the top and bottom of the page I put a strip of purple to add some more color to the page. For the vocabulary boxes and the fun facts boxes I did a darker purple and white writing, just so the reader would know it is a text feature, and not part of the article. I am also very proud of how my feature article came out but there is one thing I am particularly proud of. I am proud of how the formatting came out because In the beginning the format looked pretty bad but I played around with it a lot and it looks really good now. Before I started to play around with it I duplicated the slide so I will still have the original slide. That is what techniques I used and what I am proud of. That is my reflection of the feature article and now that it is done I am really happy on how it turned out.

Happy Halloween!

 BOO! Did you know Halloween came from the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain?  If you did not now you know. That’s what I will be telling you about. I will tell you how I celebrated it in school and at home.

This year’s Halloween was super fun in school and out of school. In school we had a 5th grade Halloween party and a parade. At the Halloween party my favorite things were the DJ. I loved the DJ because they played good songs and it was fun dancing with my friends. Secondly I loved the spider candy and the gummy bears. They tasted so good,Yum! Last but not least the chicken costume was my favorite. I loved it because I thought it was super funny and made everyone laugh. Then there was also a parade. It was super fun because all the parents got to see our costumes. Additionally, it was fun walking around the parking lot listening to the music they played ghost-busters and it was really fun. We all were just having fun. Then we took a grade photo at the end.

Trick or treat! I also celebrated at home. I went trick or treating and when I came home me and my sister counted our candy. I went trick or treating with my friends. I saw a bunch of them too. I got soo much candy. I enjoyed seeing everybody’s Halloween decorations at their home. Lastly, I thought all the different costumes were so amazing and cool. When I got home me and my sister got so much candy I even got some full sized candy bars. It literally looked like we both had thousands of candys.I did not count though I basically had too much candy to count!

I had an awesome Halloween at school and at home and I am looking forward to more Halloween experiences. Did you enjoy Halloween? How did you enjoy it? 


Identity Map Reflection

I loved making the identity maps because I liked how we got to express ourselves. The three things that probably express me the most are dancer, basketball player, and tennis player. I also learned about my tablemates’ identity.

 The first thing I chose to share about myself was I love to play basketball. Last year I was on a team called The Sharks. Also on the sharks I played competitively. I also play basketball for my school each year. I enjoy watching basketball. I think it’s very interesting. Playing tennis is also one of my favorite things to do. I play tennis once a week. I think tennis is a very fun sport to play. I also love to watch matches. I have been playing tennis for a while.

At our table we shared our identity maps together and I learned so much about my table mates. I loved hearing what they had to share.I also have connections with them and what they shared about themselves. For instance, my connection with Dowlat is that he likes vanilla and chocolate ice cream, I also love it so much. He said he likes how much flavor it has. He and I both also like hamburgers. He also likes kabab on his hamburgers. Mary said she loves Taylor Swift and I also love her music a lot which means we are both swifties. We both enjoy traveling too. I travel so much we both have been traveling since we were little. Jason said he loves playing basketball and so do I! We both have been playing for a while. I said before. Jason is also Jewish and I am Jewish too. That’s what I learned from my table mates.

What did you learn? I thought it was very interesting to learn about my table mates identity. I learned some important parts about who they are that I thought I would never know.  I hope you enjoyed everything I said about what I learned and shared about myself. I think it was very interesting to learn about my table mates. I loved to share my identity map with my table mates .

First Week Of School

“Beep”,”Beep”, my alarm clock is going off! I realize its the first day of school! I have butterflies in my stomach and have a lump in my throat. Im so nervous and excited to meet my teacher! I enjoyed the first week so far but also looking          forward to so much!  I enjoyed the identity map, letter to my future self, and how we get a choice on where we can sit at lunch. I am also looking forward to the volleyball game, Bedford Ropes course, and hot dog field day.  There were many things about the first week of school that I liked. I enjoyed making my identity map because I liked how I got to express myself and really show who we are. Also, it was really fun to sketch and draw out the pictures. Finally, I definitely know more about my classmates now that I also have looked at their identity maps. I also enjoyed writing a letter to my future self because I think it will be cool to see how we changed over the year. Also we can see if we enjoyed the things we were looking forward to because in the letter we added what we are looking forward to in the letter.To add on, it will be fun to have a letter to open before we go to middle school. Finally I enjoy how we get to sit with our friends from the other class because I’m not in the same class as some of my friends and we have a great relationship so it’s nice to still chat with them so it’s nice to sit with them at lunch. Also we don’t talk that much anymore so we can catch up at lunch and tell eachother everything that has happened. Finally I miss being in the same class but at lunch It feels like we are in the same class again because we did not have that opportunity last year. Those are the things I enjoyed about fifth grade so far and can’t wait for the things ahead.

 There are many things I’m looking forward to this year. One example is the Hot Dog Field day. I’m excited because I like hot dogs and playing games. I think playing games and having lunch outdoors will be a fun opportunity before middle school. Also I think being outside for the day is gonna be fun because I love being outside and playing with my friends or classmates. Finally, we get to spend time with our friends before middle school. In middle school we all won’t be in the same house so you are not with your friends as much as you are in elementary school. I also am excited for Bedford ropes course because I love climbing and I have done it before.I have not been to Bedford but I have been to Boundless which is like Bedford because you go climbing on ropes courses. Also field trips are super fun and cool because you get to explore a lot and its with your teacher and friends so it’s extra fun. To add on I have done many ropes courses before but not bedford but places like bedford. Also school can super stressful so its fun to go somewhere else for the day. Finally i am excited for the volleyball game because i have never tried volleyball but i want to because I have watched volleyball and it looks super fun. Also volleyball is a sport where you have to work together and its good to practice cooperation . Finally It’s cool to watch it because sometimes people do really cool moves or sneaky moves. Thats what im looking forward to what are you looking forward to?

I hope you enjoyed everything I wrote! As you can see, I really enjoyed my identity map, letter to my future self, and free choice sit. Also as you can see I am excited for the volleyball game, hot dog field day, and bedford ropes course. If you could tell me one thing your excited for what would it be? What are you excited for?


The 3rd Grade State Test

I’m not enjoying the state test because there is too much test prep and I don’t like the amount of writing we do. Also even though the state test was not as bad as I thought the prep in my opinion was not my favorite. I thought the state test was very long and definitely had a lot of reading. The state test was not so bad because I know what to do for the questions such as the short responses. My teacher taught me to ADD which stands for answer detail detail. She also taught me I ADD ADD C which stands for intro answer detail detail answer detail detail conclusion.

The math state test was hard and easy the prep was good not to hard at the end of the day I was proud of myself because I thought I did good on the state test I thought the second day was harder because there were harder questions and I did not know what to do on some of the questions I liked the beginning because it was vary easy and simple the end was hard I felt so good to get it over with and be done for 3rd grade but I do know that I will do it again when i’m in the older grades.