Immigration Interview Reflection

Have you ever immigrated? The immigration project was really interesting because I got to learn about a topic I have never really talked about. I had to come up with questions then I sat down and asked the questions and I had a conversation about it. Overall, I would love to do the project again. Do you know anybody that immigrated?

When I found out about the immigration project I immediately started to think of who I wanted to interview. I had a couple people in mind so I chose the person who I thought had a really interesting story and background, which was my great-grandma. Then we had to come up with questions to ask. It was hard to come up with so many questions because I knew the answer to most of them already so I had to come up with new ones. My teacher had a sheet of examples of questions so that really helped me think of more. I had fifteen questions to ask and those questions really helped me come up with the story. That is how I prepared for the interview.

Conducting an interview was really a cool experience. My interview was in person and I had my chromebook with all the questions on it. When she would answer the question I would follow it up with follow up questions to make a conversation out of it. It was really amusing to learn and talk about her experience. The most impressive thing to learn about was why she wanted to immigrate to the US. The interview went as expected. We got to really have a conversation about it. One thing I learned about conducting an interview is you need follow up questions to make a conversation out of the question and that also you have to be open to learning new things. That is how my interview went.

In conclusion, preparing for the interview and conducting an interview was fun and interesting. I would like to do this project again anytime. Do you know anybody that immigrated?