Imagine hanging upside down on the rope falling off the beams walking on the wires holding on to your dear life and then bam! You fall and get a big rope burn well, that’s Bedford Ropes course. That was one of my 5th grade field trips, we went to the Bedford Ropes Trip. I really liked it because there were five challenge courses which were really fun. We really got to work on our teamwork and encouragement. I also learned about my classmates and friends. Even myself. We encouraged each other and helped each other.
There were five challenge courses and I loved all of them but if I had to pick my three favorites these would be the Indiana Jones (beams,swings,wires), Rope Swing, and Lava island. I really enjoyed the Indiana Jones challenge course because it was a mix of all the elements.I also really liked that challenge because I think it was definitely hard but also fun. My favorite part of it was walking across the beams. It was hard but we never gave up. Although it was not a teamwork course those who finished helped guide our teammates across and encouraged them to finish if they were having trouble on the wires we were lying down on it and i was like “omg, hold on tight!” Another challenge that was one of my favorites was the rope swing. I really liked it because it was fun to be able to experience swinging on the rope and I also learned a lot of teamwork on this one because in order to do this we need to know teamwork. When someone was on the rope we were like “ Hold on, don’t fall down the cliff!” When you were on the swing underneath you were the fake cliff. Last but not least was the lava Island,I liked that course because it was fun getting to know each other and working together. We were encouraging each other and yelling “you got this,pass the block to me!” There were three blocks and we needed to get everyone to the third block with a long wooden stick! I was thinking “ we got this” Those were the challenge courses I enjoyed most.
Mostly me and my teammates encourage each other but I also learned about my teamwork,classmates,and myself. One aspect about myself is that I don’t have to do everything by myself and it’s ok to need help because you are never really gonna do something all by yourself. I also learned about my classmate,Mary. I learned that Mary is really good at encouraging somebody else. I also learned she is really good at the courses when I was having trouble on the course she would yell to be “you got this!” At that time I was thinking to myself that I can do it. Then The last thing I learned was about teamwork. I learned that if you argue it takes up time don’t argue, agree on something and stick with it. I also learned that you should encourage others; they will really appreciate it especially if it’s not from a close friend. That is what I learned and I am looking forward to learning more on other field trips.
Those were my favorite courses. I learned a lot from that field trip and so did my classmates.I learned about myself,classmates, and teamwork. I think that field trip was very fun for me and I would love to go back someday. Would you want to go there? What was your experience? Was it good?