
I was very excited because we could pick want we wanted to do. I love Pakistan so the Capstone project is about Pakistan’s pollution problem. I have some sub questions called why Pakistan became so polluted, the effects on the people’s health, and what it can do to improve the situation.

The Memorization went well. Because I had my family helping me. The essay was easy because it went with the flow because I am from a Pakistani background. The script was easy because it was just copy and paste and time. The memorization did not click right away. I had to change a lot of my script because My dad wanted to be more personal. It took me three weeks to memorize the whole entire script. The most interesting thing I learned was that Pakistan is one of the most polluted countries in the whole world. I was stunned I never knew that.

Pakistan is one of the most polluted countries in the world.  But there is hope. If people change their way of life and the government supports them, it will lead to a better future for the Pakistanis. As I have a Pakistani background, I hope they take action to help future generations. Like I said before the essay just went with the flow. Nothing was challenging and I knew a lot about Pakistan’s pollution so it was very easy.

I chose a Ted Talk because I wanted to look professional and I wanted to learn how to memorize. One more thing was I wanted to stand one pressure. So when I have a presentation In my life I have no pressure. The script Template was very easy because I just needed to copy and paste, and time 27 times. That means 27 pictures. I had one challenging thing : the timing. Sometimes  I would be off by one or two seconds. Like I mentioned before, I had to restart a lot, a lot of my script to make it more personal.

I liked it. I made no mistakes. I enjoyed having no mistakes and people actually learned something. The only challenge I had is when I was still speaking I switch the slid not on purpose.

So I hope you learned something. Always remember Pakistan is one of  the most polluted countries in the world.


Full Capstone Info

`Heathcote CapCon!


Script Template – WeVideo


1 Image or 6-Word rule is in effect

3-6 minutes

Begin and end with 2 seconds of black and silence

Images no less than 2 seconds, no longer than 6 seconds



Your final movie should clearly convey…

  • Your topic
  • Your focus on the topic
  • Your research experience
  • Your interview and site visit experience
  • Reflection on the experience
  • Reflection on what you’ve learned

Absolutely no “welcome to my video” or  “thank you for watching” 



This is the outline of how you will begin, which takes you’ll use, etc. It’s a narrative but with a specific structure outlining the attempts.


Throughout Pakistan, pollution is a big problem. It is one of the most polluted countries in the world. As someone with a Pakistani background, I wanted to find out more about Pakistan’s pollution problem. My capstone project is focused on why Pakistan became so polluted, the effects on the peoples health, and what it can do to improve the situation.  

How did Pakistan’s air get so polluted? In terms of it’s pollution levels, Pakistan has shown high amounts of smoke, haze, and deadly smog causing many issues for the people. When they burn crops it leads to air pollution. According to Cancer research UK , smog can lead to many health issues including lung cancer. When I visited my family in 2022, I noticed that Pakistan has an energy problem. The electricity would go out regularly and every house does not have electricity connections. So people use wood as fire causing pollution. And in our house, we had to use generators when the electricity would go out, this causes pollution as it uses diesel to run. Many houses face the same problems. Also, when we visited the markets and cities, it was very polluted and hot because of old cars everywhere.  

According to from 2023, the average air quality in Pakistan is 160 which is unhealthy. For example the average air quality in USA is 39.9. That is a huge different. According to AQLI, the residents of Karachi, would reduce 2.7 years of life expectancy. And the residents of Lahore could reduce a life expectancy of 7.5 years. In, Islamabad, the capital city, the people would reduce a life expectancy of 4.5 years. Furthermore, Karachi and Lahore are two of the most polluted cities with poor air quality. Karachi’s air quality is 94 and Lahore’s air quality is 97. These numbers are too high. 


2:37 good

    What does the effect of pollution have on the Pakistani people? The bad air quality effects vulnerable people the most including pregnant women, people with asthma, elderly, and children. According to National institutes of health, the pollution has led to 128,000 deaths per year and the number is expected to grow in future years. As I mentioned before, people living in cities are most effected because pollution is worse in those locations. If Pakistan reduced pollution, people will have a longer average life. If you’re exposed to high levels of pollution when you’re pregnant, your baby could be more likely to develop asthma. There is incentive for Pakistanis to reduce pollution so that they can live a healthy life and a longer life.


How can Pakistans improve the situation. There are many things Pakistanis can do to improve the air quality. These includes:

  • Converting wood stoves into cleaner and more fuel efficient energy 
  • The pakistanis government should incentivise its citizens to trade old vehicles for newer cars so they can meet current pollution standards and improve air quality.
  • The Pakistani government should introduce laws to reduce the use of plastic and emissions from factories.   

In summary, Pakistan is one of the most polluted country in the world. But there is hope. If people change their way of life and the government supports them, it will lead to a better future for the Pakistanis. As I have a Pakistani background, I hope they take action to help future generations. Check out my blog for more information. 

Capstone Full Info

Why is Pakistan one of the most polluted countries and what are people doing to help?


Throughout Pakistan, people are wheezing and coughing due to pollution. Pakistan is one of the most polluted countries in the world. As a pakistani person, I researched for my capstone project “Why is Pakistan one of the most polluted countries and what are people doing to help?” In my capstone research, I learned how Pakistan became so polluted, the effects on the pakistani people’s health. The good news is that the pakistanis are correcting this and other countries are helping.

How did Pakistan’s air get polluted? In terms of it’s pollution levels, Pakistan has shown numbers that have come in poorly in the past with high amounts of smoke, haze, and deadly smog that spread the the air causing a multitude of issue for its inhabitants.  Smog can lead to developing lung cancer. Persisting exposure to smog can lead to long terms health damages. Some experts believe the burning of crop residue to prepare winter planting season is a key cause of air pollution. Burning fossil fuels for transportation, heating fuel, waste integration, electricity generators  and other industrial activities also cause pollution. The open burning of fire on the streets can add an additional levels of toxic pollution, with a number of materials such as plastic being burnt releasing a hybrid of their own poisonous fumes. According to, data from 2023,  the average air quality for Pakistan is 160 which is unhealthy. Also, the average PM2.5  (particular matter) levels are almost 15 times the annual air quality guideline. Furthermore, Karachi and Lahore are two of the most polluted cities with poor air quality. The air quality for Karachi is 92 and the air quality for Lahore is 94. Those numbers are really bad. Lahore is so polluted because of the breaking of green space. There are a lot of environmental problems, such as pollution, noise pollution, water quality, and global warming, climate change. Lahore has a lot of burning crops, dust from industrial sites, and general wastes. Karachi, one major problem, is lack of waste management. The air pollution in Lahore has rose up to unhealthy level 193 dust billowing from chimney and hotels. 70 percent of bad air pollution is from motor vehicles is in Pakistan. If Pakistan were  to reduce particlelure pollution to meet the guidelines, people have a longer life. The people of Karachi,Pakistan, the most popular city, residents would gain 2.7 years of life expectancy. In Lahore, the second polluted city, the residents would gain life expectancy of 7.5 years. The capital city of Islamabad, residents would gain life expectancy by 4.5 years. As you can see Pakistan is very polluted.

    What does the pollution have on the pakistan people. The air is having a real bad impact on pregnant people, asthma people, disabilities people, elder people and children. The pollution leads to 128,000 deaths per year and the number is getting bigger by the second. Burning fossil fuels for transportation, heat fuel, and crop burning worsens air pollution.Lack of a viable public transport system has come up with to worsen air pollution to. With air pollution it cuts out how much you live by 7 years. With \air pollution is released to several physical, behavior, health risk. They use very bad air quality vehicles and they release bad gas. The pakistanais inhale. Pakistan have a lot of bad factories, all of them are bad. When you inhale the gas it damages your lungs. Exposure to air pollution puts you at risk for lung cancer, heart attacks, stroke and in extreme cases, premature death.Breathing in air pollutants can irritate your airways and may cause shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, asthma episodes and chest pain. Being exposed to air pollution over a long period of time can cause lung conditions, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you’re exposed to high levels of pollution when you’re pregnant, whether you have asthma yourself or not, your baby could be more likely to develop asthma.

Immigrant Interview

Have you ever interviewed a person because they immigrated? Well, I got to interview  my dad, Asaf Khan. It was exciting for my family to immigrate to America from the UK.

There was no question at all, that I had to pick Asaf as my person to interview. I got inspired by another person’s interview. Some question they asked were:  why did you immigrate? was it difficult to communicate? was it hard to find a home?.  This was helpful because it gave me examples. Mrs. Cooper gave us a graphic organizer which outlined what I needed to do.  When creating my list of questions,  I used Mrs. Cooper document.

It was my first time interviewing a person. I felt good because Asaf, is my dad,and we are very close. I felt more comfortable and confident. I did ask him any question I want. The interview was in my house and in the library. It was in person.  The most interesting thing that I learned about my dad is I never thought he liked America pizza.

That is how I felt about immigrating my dad Asaf Khan.


Fantastic Curling

Have you ever played in a curling match on ice, today you will experience it. Sweeping makes the stone go faster. Curling is best played on ice.Today, I will write about the sweeping and the equipment. Ardsley curling club is really fun. If you are into curling you should go.It is the only curling club in westescher.

Sweeping is a very important position in curling. You always want to be in front of the delivery. The delivery is when the person slides the stone. You always sweep in front of the stone. If you sweep the ice will get level, sweeping makes the stone go faster. If it is a slow delivery, you should sweep and the stone will go faster. You can not hit the broom with the stone.  It is illegal and against the rules. You also have to be careful because if someone is doing the delivery you have to be ready. My friend Noah was tying his shoe on the ice and the stone was sliding. I told him,” Noah got up”. He could not run on the ice because it’s not safe so he had to get off the ice. So our skip, our extra sweeper, came and helped me. On our next turn, Noah slid the stone slowly. Jason, Andrew, and I were screaming our heads off because the stone was sliding into the house.  We were celebrating. Noah, the one that did the delivery, told us nice sweeping. We won the game on that shot. Sweepers do actually impact the game a lot.

You know soccer has equipment so by curling you will learn about the equipment. You need gloves. You need gloves because you might get frostbite.  If you get frostbite you are not going to do the delivery well. That will cast the game. You need a broom because you have swept the ice. Sweeping makes the ice level. The stone faster. You also want footwear because the ice is very slippery. So you would want a gripper under your foot. You also need shoes with no bumps on them or you will slip. You also need a coat because you will get cold. In the Ardsley Curling club it was warm and the ice did not melt. The ring was a little small for my expectations

So now you know about sweeping and equipment. Now you know this knowledge you should feel confident, and try curling.

Spooky Halloween

It is halloween! How much candy am I going to get. I ran out so perfect timeing.

There was a halloween party at my school only my grade it was great. The halloween party was great for so many reasons. First, we got to play soccer in the gym. Playing in the gym with friends at night was really fun. The D.J. played great music. I Thought, wow, I love these songs. I had a friend was a chicken costume it was twice my size my friend was called Andrew. His costume was the best. It was parade time at the school. Juan my friend was wearing a scream mask I did not know who it was when I saw his eyes it was Juan. At the end we did photos.

Then on Halloween night  me and my friends were on a mission steal a bucket of candy from a banana guy I stole it the banana guy said “come back with the bucket of candy.” Me and my friends were laughing and had a fair share of the candy. When it said only get one peace of candy we got five alot of people were saying “come back over here.” Then when I almost got bored Oscar tackled Jason to the ground it was very funny because Jason had a whole football set on. 

How was your Halloween. Hope you had a great one.

The Dangers Forest


Do you know the Bedford Ropes Course builds teamwork and trust. They include a lot of activities, team working and games. If you go there I think you will love it.

The first challenge I loved was Indiana Jones. The Indiana Jones challenge is a lot of beams and different sizes and length. It was easy to balance but the transitions are harder. The second part of Indiana Jones,  was going through a tree. It was fun and I have never done that before. My second best course was the Ropes Swing Course.  You have a rope and a platform you use the rope to the platform you can’t touch the ground. We came up with ideas and we got one to chuck the light people all the way to the top of the rope and it worked. But it was taking a long so me and my friend Nico and  we got a big log but the people said “ you can’t use a log.” So we got fustrated but we almost got everyone on the platform but time was up to go to  the next course. The next best thing I liked was the Rope Bridge challenge. It was fun because one person from each side had to come to each side. You had to fast and balance one side. 

Some of my classmates were competitive and in charge and demanding. Team work Important because communicating and talking to each other. 

I learned that I was shy but then I saw people encouraging me then I spoke up. Like when my friend Noah Conway said “you got this on indiana Jones.” That helped me and I finished the course with ease. Teamwork was important because you can talk to people and discuss what we are going to do. 

Overall this trip was good because you build trust and teamwork with people you don’t even talk to.


Home of The Brave Reflection

Oftentimes in literature there is a main character we are going to talk about Kek. He is the main character in Home of The Brave by Katherine Applegate. When we read , we can have windows and mirrors and windows into the lives of characters.  Window is what you have opposite stuff and mirrors are what you have stuff alike.

Living in a refugee camp was hard for Kek. This is a window for me because I have never been not with my family or in a refugee camp. One example is Kek had to learn English so it was hard to communicate and talk to people in the refugee camp.  Another reason is that learning was hard for him and school because a lot of people knew how to speak English and had experience. The last reason is there was not a lot of food to go around. Kek had to wait in lines to get a small amount of food everyday and there were long lines. This is a window for me because I did not have trouble speaking english and did experience what Kek went through.

Kek is feeling lonely and missing his family because he came to the US by himself.  This is a window for me because I have my family and they are dead and I have not gone through that. One example is Kek is unsure that his mom is alive. She is currently not with Kek and missing. When Kek reunites with his extended family, he realizes just how much missed his true family.

Getting used to new technology and the way things work in America is hard for kek. One example was the washing machine. He put his aunt’s dishes in the washing machine and thought it would wash but it ended up breaking the dishes. Another example is he did not know how to turn on the tv.

Adjusting to a different climate/Weather is challenging. Kek used to be his family and laugh stick together. But now he is in an apartment where he can turn up the heat or turn down the heat. So now Kek does not need to be freezing at night.

This must have been a really hard adjustment for Kek. I can’t imagine not knowing how so many things around me work. This has also made me realize just how hard life can be in a new place that is so different from your old home.

First Week of School


I was walking to school.  I was wondering if my teacher be nice or strict? I was by myself walking to school and I was feeling nervous. Once I got to school and I saw my friends, I felt better.  They were excited to see me. I was happy to see them.  

There are many things I liked about the first week of school.  I enjoyed the index card challenge because we worked as a team. My team was screaming “table 4 is coping us”. We were saying “look, our tower is about to fall”.  I was thinking that we were not going to build the tallest tower. Then when we tried again we built the tallest tower.

 We were screaming that someone looking up table two is copying us. Look, it is about to fall to tumble no. Come one we can still build the highest tower. We are almost there, look there at table three it is about to fall. It fell let’s go. We are going to win, Mrs Cooper is counting down five, four, three, two, one. And  we won, yes!!!!   Another example is that I liked learning about three branches of government.  I loved to be President one day but I learned that I can’t. In the USA you must be born there to be the president.

I am excited for the volleyball game because we are going to destroy the teachers.  The teacher always wins every year. Even if we lose, we will have a great time..The teachers are taller and have more power but we have more people.  Senior Jonshon does have deadly spikes, so we might be in a pickle. Also I am excited for curling with Mr. Borgia because I am going to learn new skills. Finally, I love the space system because I want to learn about the solar system. I want to learn how many stars there are. I want to know how many  planets there are and how many people are on the earth?

I had a great start to fifth grade.  I like my teacher and my class.  What did you learn in your first week of school?