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Why is Pakistan one of the most polluted countries and what are people doing to help?


Throughout Pakistan, people are wheezing and coughing due to pollution. Pakistan is one of the most polluted countries in the world. As a pakistani person, I researched for my capstone project “Why is Pakistan one of the most polluted countries and what are people doing to help?” In my capstone research, I learned how Pakistan became so polluted, the effects on the pakistani people’s health. The good news is that the pakistanis are correcting this and other countries are helping.

How did Pakistan’s air get polluted? In terms of it’s pollution levels, Pakistan has shown numbers that have come in poorly in the past with high amounts of smoke, haze, and deadly smog that spread the the air causing a multitude of issue for its inhabitants.  Smog can lead to developing lung cancer. Persisting exposure to smog can lead to long terms health damages. Some experts believe the burning of crop residue to prepare winter planting season is a key cause of air pollution. Burning fossil fuels for transportation, heating fuel, waste integration, electricity generators  and other industrial activities also cause pollution. The open burning of fire on the streets can add an additional levels of toxic pollution, with a number of materials such as plastic being burnt releasing a hybrid of their own poisonous fumes. According to, data from 2023,  the average air quality for Pakistan is 160 which is unhealthy. Also, the average PM2.5  (particular matter) levels are almost 15 times the annual air quality guideline. Furthermore, Karachi and Lahore are two of the most polluted cities with poor air quality. The air quality for Karachi is 92 and the air quality for Lahore is 94. Those numbers are really bad. Lahore is so polluted because of the breaking of green space. There are a lot of environmental problems, such as pollution, noise pollution, water quality, and global warming, climate change. Lahore has a lot of burning crops, dust from industrial sites, and general wastes. Karachi, one major problem, is lack of waste management. The air pollution in Lahore has rose up to unhealthy level 193 dust billowing from chimney and hotels. 70 percent of bad air pollution is from motor vehicles is in Pakistan. If Pakistan were  to reduce particlelure pollution to meet the guidelines, people have a longer life. The people of Karachi,Pakistan, the most popular city, residents would gain 2.7 years of life expectancy. In Lahore, the second polluted city, the residents would gain life expectancy of 7.5 years. The capital city of Islamabad, residents would gain life expectancy by 4.5 years. As you can see Pakistan is very polluted.

    What does the pollution have on the pakistan people. The air is having a real bad impact on pregnant people, asthma people, disabilities people, elder people and children. The pollution leads to 128,000 deaths per year and the number is getting bigger by the second. Burning fossil fuels for transportation, heat fuel, and crop burning worsens air pollution.Lack of a viable public transport system has come up with to worsen air pollution to. With air pollution it cuts out how much you live by 7 years. With \air pollution is released to several physical, behavior, health risk. They use very bad air quality vehicles and they release bad gas. The pakistanais inhale. Pakistan have a lot of bad factories, all of them are bad. When you inhale the gas it damages your lungs. Exposure to air pollution puts you at risk for lung cancer, heart attacks, stroke and in extreme cases, premature death.Breathing in air pollutants can irritate your airways and may cause shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing, asthma episodes and chest pain. Being exposed to air pollution over a long period of time can cause lung conditions, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). If you’re exposed to high levels of pollution when you’re pregnant, whether you have asthma yourself or not, your baby could be more likely to develop asthma.

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