Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

When making my Rube Goldberg project, I had a lot of fun because of how challenging, but it was also still a bit frustrating because of how many times I failed. When designing the project, it was a bit easy to get the sketch done because of how excited I was and I finally started thinking harder. After 2 hours I had finished my sketch.

And started building, but I got a bit frustrated because of how some parts were too difficult to make so I just had to get rid of it which I wasn’t really that happy about. One thing that I learned from that process was that you have to revise something because it won’t always work, and this can happen constantly. Once I had finished building, I started working on the video. It was very challenging, because of how close I kept getting to the end of the machine. But once I had done it which I am very happy about,

I had started working on the editing was really fun but I didn’t know what to do, but I still tried my best. I still think I can improve it by speaking louder and putting on less music because it’s too loud, but I think it is good for now. I would like to thank my mom and dad for helping me and jack for giving me some materials. Overall I had a fun time creating this project and am very happy that I finished it.

Here is are some inspiration I used to help me think of my Rube Goldberg sketch:

Sprice” on America’s Got Talent

Joseph’s Machines website

This is the sketch of my Rube Goldberg machine.

This is my Rube Goldberg Machine video.

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