Capstone Blog Post 2

The purpose of an interview is the ask questions to an expert so that you can study more. It is essential because they might give more information that is different than other websites which is very helpful. I thought about this aspect of the research, and I thought it was decent but still nerve-racking because I didn’t know who you were interviewing which can make you nervous because you don’t know them well. Honestly, it didn’t go that bad because I did it through email.

At the start, I had a lot of trouble finding an interview because everyone I found didn’t respond. But one day, my friend told me about a Youtuber who is a historian and told me I could interview him. So I had sent an email and he responded but couldn’t do it on a call or zoom, but it still worked. Writing questions weren’t that hard but only the last few questions, I couldn’t think of anything which made me a bit desperate but in the end, I thought of a question I could use.

When conducting the interview, I did it on Gmail, which didn’t really go as planned for me but it still worked. I learned a lot of things about my topic and sub-questions but also learned that patience is key to finding an interview and getting it done.

In the end, I successfully completed my research and got an interview at last. Which I am very happy about. Now its just a matter of time for me to get the project done.