My Capstone Experience

Superconductors. They are amazing materials. They are also my capstone topic. During this project, I spent over a month researching, writing, and recording, to educate myself and others on this amazing topic and answer my Main Inquiry Question and prepare to graduate elementary school. My capstone research was challenging but a lot of fun. I […]

Immigration Video Reflection

Have you ever created a video? I have. Recently, I made a video on my grandmother’s immigration story. I had a lot of fun making this video but it was quite a process. It involved writing, recording, editing, and finding images. It also included regular visits to the computer lab and feedback from my teachers. […]

Immigration Interview Reflection

Click, click, click, goes your keyboard as you write down the answers to your questions. You are interviewing an immigrant about their story. Have you ever done this? Probably not. But I have and it was a very enjoyable experience preparing and actually conducting the interview. Preparing for the interview was a very fun experience. […]

Cool Curling

Clink goes the curling stone as it knocks the opponent’s stone out of the house. Have you ever been curling? I have! When I went curling, we practiced at school beforehand. Then, when we went to our local curling club on a class field trip, I noticed that there were many similarities and differences. For […]

Feature Article Reflection

Click, Click, Click, went the computer as I typed the narrative of my feature article. In the beginning, at least. Later on, we got to work on formatting, along with colors, shapes, and layout. Making the feature article was a lot of process. The first one was choosing a topic. When we picked our topic, […]

Thanksgiving Living

Over thanksgiving, I had a lot of fun going to Maryland to see my cousins, aunts, uncles and grandparents. We had a lot of fun relaxing at my grandparents house and playing Rummikub. We played at almost every available moment and there was always a whole bunch of people teaming with players and saying “I’m […]


Boom! As the drum from the music beat I ran from the DJ room and into the room with the decorations. As I covered my ears I thought about what I would do this Halloween. I thought about trick or treating and the parade. This Halloween, I did a bit more than usual. Every year, […]

Crucial Climbing

Creek! As the door on the bus closed, I thought about what the day might look like. As the bus pulled away from school, I told the person next to me “I can’t wait for the ropes course” he responded “Me too!‘ As we drove, I thought about what I expected to see at the […]

Home of the Brave Reflection

  Click, Click, Click! The computer goes as Ms. Cooper pulls up the book Home of the Brave by Kathrine Applegate. While we were waiting, we started talking about windows and mirrors. Mirrors are when you look at a character and see yourself. The characters are similar to you and show that there are others […]

Identity Map Reflection

Ding! The room quiets as Ms. Cooper rings the bell. “Time to work on the identity maps” she says. As we pull them out I read my list: vegetarianism, the OBX, and books. Glancing over, I see gymnastics, softball, sushi, sports, drum sets, and comics among other things. I have some great ideas, so let’s […]