Immigration Interview Reflection

Click, click, click, goes your keyboard as you write down the answers to your questions. You are interviewing an immigrant about their story. Have you ever done this? Probably not. But I have and it was a very enjoyable experience preparing and actually conducting the interview.
Preparing for the interview was a very fun experience. I had to write 10-15 questions on my interviewee’s story. When brainstorming my questions, I considered things that I was very curious about. I also considered what might bring more personal responses from the interviewee. Also, because we only had 15 questions, I looked back through old projects and made sure that I didn’t ask things I already knew. A helpful resource was the list of exemple interview questions that we could look at for inspiration.
Conducting the interview was very enjoyable as well. I conducted the interview in person and it went just as expected. I learned about how you have to make sure to record all the details about the response and how important it is to ask what you know a little bit to get more detail. The most interesting thing I learned about my interviewee was that she didn’t want to come to america.
In conclusion, I thought that my interview was a lot of fun. I loved learning more about my grandmother and can’t wait to continue the project.

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