First Week of School

“Beep”, “Beep”, “Beep” goes my alarm clock. “School Already?” I say both excited and annoyed. I roll out of bed dreading and anticipating the day. This year I don’t have as many friends in my class as before. Sad my summer is over, I walk to school and prepare myself for the day. It was […]

The 3rd Grade State Tests

This blog post explains how I felt about the 3rd grade state tests for English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. I thought that the ELA test was harder than the Math test. I feel that the ELA state test are too long, I feel this way because the test took hours. For example, we started […]

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! This is a space for me to write and publish work I have done from 3rd grade forward. Everything I publish here is something I am proud of and is part of my learning process as I grow as a student and a writer. I will be able to look back […]