Cats or Dogs


David M.

As you can guess, this post I’m going to say that cats are better than dogs and roast whoever will stand against me.

So I am.

I like cats better because they are overall better. That’s reason one!

Bad things about dogs: they bite, bark, drool, bark, want to go outside, shed, and drool.

Good things about dogs: they play outside, like balls, jump around, and they’re pretty smart pets.

But same with humans. Hah!

Good things about cats: they are calm, they meow, they are furry, they are fluffy, they are cuter, and they are not dogs.

Have you ever heard that cats scratch everything and demolish curtains and stuff? That’s just a stereotype. Don’t listen to them. They don’t know a thing about cats. Also, you don’t have to worry about cats biting, barking, drooling. Cats do not do the stuff that dogs do. They are less dirty. That’s reason two!

Have you ever had a baby brother/sister? Do you sleep with them? If so, great! If no, why not?


Well, I tell you that cats are the same as babies, but they don’t cry, and they are easier to get to sleep. You don’t have to cradle them, put some music on until they go to sleep. Cats are good to sleep with. Reason three!

Whoever is debating for dogs must be shaking in their little shoes.

Cats are good to cuddle with. Dogs? Not really. You can play with cats inside easily, but taking a dog out for a walk is hard when you don’t want to. Cats are easy to play with. Reason four!

Cats are better than dogs. That’s final.




3 Responses

  1. imontefiore29 2021-10-26 at 5:45 PM |

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