Capstone is a project where a student chooses a topic they are interested in and research that topic. Then they make a main inquiry question and sub-questions. Then they interview an expert about that topic and once they have all their research, they make a movie, ignite, or ted talk to present. I like capstone because it lets me be creative and express my knowledge in different ways. I was really excited when my teacher told me that we were going to start capstone.
Coming up with my topic was definitely a challenge because I was interested in doing so many things. My first thoughts were about doing Basketball but I thought that I should change it up. So my second idea was war world ll but that didn’t seem right. So I asked my dad for some advice and he told me to do it about rocketry. So I did some research and I become really fascinated with rocketry.
The process of coming up with my main inquiry question was difficult because there were so many options to choose from but I finally narrowed it down to what types of rockets are there and how are they designed based on their particular use? Rocketry is such a broad topic so there are so many topics to research. I also thought about which main inquiry question would involve the best sub-questions.
The process wasn’t too difficult because coming up with those sub-questions let my mind roam freely and I had many ideas for sub-questions. One hard part about making the sub-questions was having to shorten all of my sub-questions to only 5 of them.
All in all, I think this will be a great project and it will be very fun, and creative!