Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

I think this project is great and it challenges me to think. I struggled with my pulley because it wasn’t stable, and the string kept falling off. Another problem I had was the battery kept on missing the cup that I was using to hold the battery, so the cup would go down and that would knock the ball out of the toilet paper roll. I think my design was good, and if the two parts worked, the whole machine would have worked first try. I fixed the problems by using a very light plastic bucket for the battery to fall in, and I fixed the pulley by making the materials lighter. I had to iterate it a lot and the sketch (I couldn’t add it because of downloading issues) looked nothing like the version I used to get the success.

Rube Goldberg Project

Start: I thought it was easy, but it wasn’t. I had a hard time thinking of ideas for the Rube Goldberg. After that, it got easier. I drew the sketch for the Rube Goldberg, wrote this blog post, and I was done… for now.

Feelings: I felt frustrated when I couldn’t think of anything, happy when I found some things to use for my Rube Goldberg, and confident because I only used materials that I knew would work. And also unconfident, because I felt like one tiny little thing could screw up the whole project.

Problems: I didn’t have a lot of ideas, so it took a long time to think of something for the Rube Goldberg experiment. I didn’t have a lot of materials, so I had to use simpler things that didn’t work as well.

For all of you that don’t know what a Rube Goldberg is, it is a complex machine that does a simple job. Thank you for reading this blog post.

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