
We did an ignite it was about weather research there were 5 weather events. Hurricanes,Tornadoes. I got tornadoes there were 5 subtopics which were cause, effect, prevention and safety, how are they measured and important events. My group decided what each of our subtopics would be. I did not really know which one to pick while I was thinking about what should I be my group had already decided what they were and I wanted to be how they are measured. The next day we started to research Mrs. Rickard gave us a lot of websites to research. It was hard for me to research because there was not a lot of information about how tornadoes are measured when I was researching tornadoes. I found a really good book that had 2 to 3 paragraphs about how tornadoes are measured the book gave me tons of information. I researched for about a week. After we researched we did a narritive on our chromebook the narritive was what we were going to talk about in our presentation. After we did our narritive we did our scirpt which was timing out we had 30 seconds to say everything we needed to say. We did a stopwatch to see if we could say it in 30 seconds.

I could not say my script in 30 seconds so Mrs. Rickard helped me shorten it. Finally I could say it in 3o seconds. For homework we had we had weather research at home I was going to memorize my script at home I kept on saying it over and over again in my head so I would memorize it and I would not forget it for me I thought that the memorizing part was easy for me because I memorized it in a day. The next few days we added slides. Our group members had 2 slides to put pictures that matched what we were going to say each of the slides were 15 seconds. We kept on memorizing our script for a week. After we memorized it fully we worked with our groups and said what we were going to say. After about 3 weeks we started presenting our presentation to the whole class. I thought I was going to mess up but I did it good. We did it for about 2 weeks. The day before we were actually doing our presentation in front of our parents we practiced where we were going to sit what order was the groups going in. Also, Mr. Casal our tech teacher came in and we did a practice of the whole classes slides combined and Mr. Casal did a video of all of the groups and posted it to youtube.

Finally it was the day where we were going to do our presentation in front of our parents. I thought I was going to do really really bad. When we were doing the presentation and it was my turn to say my script I was doing it great!! But I said something I was not going to say. Mrs. Rickard said that if we mess up just don’t say out loud that you messed up just keep on saying what you were going to say. After the presentation we talked to our parents for a while. Then we went back to the classroom and Mrs. Rickard said that we did our presentation really well.


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