First Week of School Reflection

For the past week I have enjoyed three things so far. The first thing is The Index Card Challenge The second thing is independent reading and finally, the identity maps. There are Four things I am looking forward to this year. The First Thing is the Bedford Ropes Trip. The Second thing is the Interpretation Book Clubs. The third thing is the Hotdog field day. And finally the Fourth Thing I am looking forward to is the Halloween Party. These are all the things that I liked so far and what I am looking forward to this year.

I enjoyed three things this past week. The first thing was The Index card challenge because we were working as a table and class and we were sharing new ideas to each other and we built as a team. Also, it was really fun building it and when we got to the top we got really excited. The second thing I liked was Independent Reading because it was really quiet and calm. Also, I like reading and we got to read books. The Third thing I really liked is The Identity Maps because I like to draw and color. Also, I liked to share what I like to do on the Identity Maps and I got to spend my time on it instead of rushing to my work and we got to work together.  

There are Four Things I am looking forward to this year. The First thing I am looking forward to is the Bedford Ropes Trip because I think it will be great because I love trips. Also, I will be spending time with my friends and classmates.The second thing I am looking forward to is the Yearbook signing/and taking photos for it. I am really excited for it. because it will be fun to go to our old teachers and ask them to sign the yearbook and I can do it with my friends. Also, for the yearbook we will be taking photos with our grade and ourselves and it would be nice to look at the yearbook photos when we grow up. The third thing I’m looking forward to is the Hotdog Field Day because I think it will be super fun. Also, I will be spending time with my friends and I think that we’re going to play games and I can’t wait. The Last thing I’m looking forward to is the Halloween Party because I love Halloween Parties and I really think I’m going to have so much fun. Also, I know there is going to be a dance floor and there are going to be a lot of games. I can’t wait!


I really enjoyed three things so far this year and I am looking forward to four things this year! I can’t wait!       



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