Capstone Reflection

Have you ever done a project where you do research,make slideshows, and memorize a whole slideshow? Well I have and it wasn’t easy. My project’s subject is DNA. I picked this because I was interested to learn about DNA. The project wasn’t just a two week project it was like a month project. After all, I realized that my hard work paid off. 


First we had to do research on five sub questions. My sub questions were, What is DNA?What do scientists use DNA for?How do scientists use DNA?What are the most recent breakthroughs in how DNA can help in the medical field, and What DNA technologies are being used to improve healthcare? We had to write in our notebooks. I thought this was easier because we could write while looking at the website. My first sub question was easy to research about because there were a lot of sites about the topic. When I was on my second sub question I also thought it was easy because there were lots of sites. My third sub question was harder because I could not find a lot of websites. The rest of my sub questions were really easy because there was so much information.


After the research we had to write an essay this wasn’t that hard because you already had research. When we were writing our essay the hardest parts were the introduction and the conclusion because I didn’t really know what to write. The body paragraphs were long but it was fine. We had to time our essays and at first mine was seven minutes and the time limit was six minutes so I had to shorten it. When I was shortening it I did not know which sentences I should delete but my teacher helped me and soon it was six minutes long and I was done with my essay. You can view my essay here.


After our essay we had to do our script. This was the easiest thing to do except for picking photos for our slideshow. The reason the script was the easiest was because we had to copy and paste our essay into small parts. After we copied and pasted the small parts of our essay we had to find photos. This was pretty hard because there were not a lot of photos because we were in creative commons. Whenever you would find a photo you would write it in a column next to your script and then add it to your slideshow. I knew my whole script. You can view my script here.


I chose Ted talk because I thought it would be easier and fun. At first before we started the project I wanted to do a video because I thought it would be easier and better. But then I realized that I should do ted talk because I didn’t want my voice to be quiet because when I did my immigration video it was quiet and nobody could hear it. So I did Ted talk. I thought this would be better. First we had to make a slideshow then we had to insert photos. This was hard because we had to use creative commons and some photos did not have what I wanted so I had to search for specific things but there were still great photos that matched my slideshow. After inserting photos we had to memorize this was the hardest part in the project because sometimes I messed up but after all the memorizing. 


After all my hard work paid off. The project was fun and at the same time hard. After lots of hard work I was happy with my work.



What people need to know about is that tigers are being endangered so we should help them. Here is why we should help them: it will help the environment and it will increase the animal. Hope you enjoy it!!

Tigers are going extinct so we should help them. Tigers play an important role in maintaining the harmony of the planet’s ecosystem. By preying on herbivores. Tigers help keep the balance between the prey animals and the forest vegetation which they feed upon. Tigers have lost an estimation of 95% of historical range. This is important because by habitat loss a lot of tigers lose their homes and they need big space to live. Some of them die because they don’t have enough space to live. Tigers are important animals but some people do threaten them. Here are some threats to tigers. Their habitat has been destroyed, degraded and fragmented by human activities. Tigers need wide space to live. Another one is climate change. There is much more.

Tigers will be endangered but if we help them it will help the environment and it will increase the animals. Here are some ways to help them. You can protect their habitat since they need big space to live. Tigers are going extinct. 3 species are already extinct there are only 6 species left. There are only 4,500 tigers left and that’s all of the species added altogether! This makes me realize that each of the species are really less. Did you know that there are only 200 white tigers left in the world and all of them are in zoos and theme parks.


Tigers are being extinct so we should help them. It will help the environment and it will increase the number of animals. I hope you can help the tigers because they are really important animals!!!!!!


We did an ignite it was about weather research there were 5 weather events. Hurricanes,Tornadoes. I got tornadoes there were 5 subtopics which were cause, effect, prevention and safety, how are they measured and important events. My group decided what each of our subtopics would be. I did not really know which one to pick while I was thinking about what should I be my group had already decided what they were and I wanted to be how they are measured. The next day we started to research Mrs. Rickard gave us a lot of websites to research. It was hard for me to research because there was not a lot of information about how tornadoes are measured when I was researching tornadoes. I found a really good book that had 2 to 3 paragraphs about how tornadoes are measured the book gave me tons of information. I researched for about a week. After we researched we did a narritive on our chromebook the narritive was what we were going to talk about in our presentation. After we did our narritive we did our scirpt which was timing out we had 30 seconds to say everything we needed to say. We did a stopwatch to see if we could say it in 30 seconds.

I could not say my script in 30 seconds so Mrs. Rickard helped me shorten it. Finally I could say it in 3o seconds. For homework we had we had weather research at home I was going to memorize my script at home I kept on saying it over and over again in my head so I would memorize it and I would not forget it for me I thought that the memorizing part was easy for me because I memorized it in a day. The next few days we added slides. Our group members had 2 slides to put pictures that matched what we were going to say each of the slides were 15 seconds. We kept on memorizing our script for a week. After we memorized it fully we worked with our groups and said what we were going to say. After about 3 weeks we started presenting our presentation to the whole class. I thought I was going to mess up but I did it good. We did it for about 2 weeks. The day before we were actually doing our presentation in front of our parents we practiced where we were going to sit what order was the groups going in. Also, Mr. Casal our tech teacher came in and we did a practice of the whole classes slides combined and Mr. Casal did a video of all of the groups and posted it to youtube.

Finally it was the day where we were going to do our presentation in front of our parents. I thought I was going to do really really bad. When we were doing the presentation and it was my turn to say my script I was doing it great!! But I said something I was not going to say. Mrs. Rickard said that if we mess up just don’t say out loud that you messed up just keep on saying what you were going to say. After the presentation we talked to our parents for a while. Then we went back to the classroom and Mrs. Rickard said that we did our presentation really well.


Tsunami/Tornado Venn Diagram

I did a presentation on tornadoes after we did the presentation we did a venn diagram. I was how are they measured for tornadoes when we did the venn diagram I picked tsunami and I did research on how are they measured for tsunamis. When I did the venn diagram I did the same thing the tools did and put them in the middle then I wrote how they are different from each other.