Immigration Documentary

Immigration Documentary 



Have you ever made a video about an immigrant? Well, I have and I thought making the video was really fun but of course there were some problems.

After I did my interview I started with my narrative. Since I recorded on my dad’s phone it helped me write my narrative because I listened to it while I was writing it. After I finished my narrative I started working on the script I also timed as I was doing it. My script was 5 minutes long so I tried shortening it. My final video was 3 minutes long. After I finished my script I started my video. I thought that the video was fun. But I did have some problems. For example, I sometimes had trouble trying to find a picture that would match what I was saying but after a while I had something to match what I was saying. I had to find a picture of my dad when he was small. He looked through his phone and he said he didn’t think he had any. He said his mom who was in Turkey had photos. So then I asked my mom if she had any photos of my dad when he was little and she said yes she started looking through her phone and she finally found the picture. When I went into my drive I saw it I uploaded it and I went into wevideo and tried uploading it but I forgot how to get the photo so I asked my brother if he could help and I finally got the photo. I did my voice over before my pictures so I knew how long it would be instead of looking at the script and changing tabs. When I did my voice over I went into my parents closet. I found out that it was really quiet. So I started my recording as I was finishing my recording. My sister printed something out and it was making noise, then when she came in she said “Is anyone in here” because she didn’t know I was recording. She said sorry. After many attempts of trying to record I finally got one. When I was putting in the images I realized that I was going a little bit fast. So I decided to record again. After a lot more attempts I finally got the best recording I listened  through it and I thought it was good. After all my images and recordings I did the music I picked a song called Sunny Morning.

I learned that my immigrants favorite food was pancakes. I also did not know that he went to Mississippi when he first came. I realized that conducting an interview is a little bit hard. For example, you have to come up with questions. I got stuck on my fourth question but luckily there was a paper of questions you could use. Then after you did your questions you had to do an interview and it was hard because I had to do it on a weekend because my dad goes to work and doesn’t come till night and when I did my interview I recorded which was easier so I could write my narrative. After your interview you have to do your narrative. I listened to my recording while I was writing down my narrative. When your finished with your narrative you have to do your script which was easy because all you have to do is copy and paste little pieces of your script and put them in the organizer but after you copy and pasted the parts you had to time yourself and write how much time each part would take that part was not that hard because I recorded first so I didn’t really need to worry about the timing. When you were done with everything the teachers checked your narrative I didn’t didn’t really have to make changes I only had to rewrite a sentence. When you finished with your whole script and your narrative you could start on the video. When I started my video I realized how fun it was because you just find images and insert time and get the timing correctly. But of course there were problems like how I could not find pictures that I wanted. After my images and recording I did my music which was easy because I asked my dad which song was his favorite and he picked the song he liked.

Overall the whole immigration project was really fun and sometimes hard. I enjoyed making my video and script.


Immigration Interview Reflection

Have you ever had a project where you had to interview an immigrant ? Our class had to pick an immigrant for this project. I enjoyed the project even though it was a little hard, it was also fun. After all, it was worth it.

The first thing we had to do for the project was pick an immigrant to interview. I would either pick my dad or my mom. Since my brother’s class started earlier than our class he picked my mom and I picked my dad. Once we picked our person to interview, we had to come up with questions to ask like Why did you come to the U.S.A,I started doing some questions but then I got stuck so I used the paper with questions on it that my teacher gave us if we did not know what to write for our questions. We had to write 15 questions after I finished my questions, my teacher had to check the questions so they made sense. After that we could do our interview. I was going to do my interview on the weekend because my dad works on the weekdays and he does not come back till night. 

I did my interview in person, I learned that my interview first immigrated to Mississippi then California and then New York. I learned how to do an interview like the questions and how to conduct an interview  and make a narrative and script and a video. I think it was hard but also fun at the same time because we never had projects that were about immigrants and also we barely had projects that were on a big topic. Sometimes it was hard, like coming up with the questions. I got stuck on a question, but there was a paper that had questions and it gave me ideas. Also, I got stuck on finding images because at first I didn’t really know what images I should use. It was fun in my opinion because there was so much to do, it wasn’t like a two day project. Also, I enjoyed the interview because I learned some new things.

After all, the immigration project was fun and hard. I really liked it because it was a really fun project and there were many steps to this project.