
How has art been this year? Mine was exciting, fun, challenging, and many more. In this blog post I will tell you about what was most enjoyable, what was most challenging, What my art teacher helped me improve on most this year, and my favorite art piece.

What was most enjoyable? Well I guess everything, but I felt like making food out of clay was. This was because with clay we got to be as creative as we wanted to be. It was hard but the work paid off. Also, if you had extra clay you gotta keep it. This was very fun because you could do whatever you wanted to do. Like from pizza, to spaghetti, to donuts and more. I picked Kunefe, a Turkish dessert. I never really finished so that’s why there is no photo of it. What was most challenging? Also, everything, but some stood out like my future city. 

If you check this slideshow you can see all the pictures 

As you can see, it was never done. Why? Well I guess that was because it was VERY detailed (you just can’t see it because the chromebook camera is very bad) and because we had to guess the future. This was as far as I could think. Another reason was because we had only 3 classes to finish. By the way, only like three people finished.

What was my favorite art piece? The scream of nature for sure. This is because this was the simplest thing EVER and it looked cool. It was a wigley body, the face of scream (the movie), and wigley arms that cover its ears. And you could just add any background. Such as mountains, an alien invasion, any character’s setting or worst fear.  I would remake this in any notebook while I was bored.


Mr. Bently has taught us a lot this year in various subjects, but what I learned the most was SKETCH  LIGHTLY. Mr. Bently was strict on this rule which helped a lot. This was because if you didn’t sketch lightly you couldn’t erase it meaning it could leave huge marks in the paper. At first I just couldn’t but he kept pushing me to try so by the last few art classes I finally accomplished it. Another thing he taught us was to add your own twist to art work. He would never let us copy it straight from the paper  to add your own twist. I think this helped me expand my creativity.

In Conclusion, clay was the funnest, the future city was the hardest, my favorite was scream of nature, and Mr. Bently has taught us a lot. Hope you had a good time in art!

My Capstone Experience

Have you ever had a huge project that was the most important thing in the year? Well, you’ll be reading about a very important project that I’ve done. I’ve picked planes and their effect on humanity because planes are too big of a topic and because I’ve been really interested. I will talk about the research, essay, the script, and the final product. 


My research part was a little hard. This was because I had to rephrase everything that I got from the sources. Then I needed to read what I rephrased and write about it. The resource that was probably most important was, this is because this site helped me write one huge chunk of my script and essay, while other sites did not as much. What was challenging for me was rephasing cause it seemed like articles just couldn’t be rephased because they used very confusing phrases like long-connected carries, or expense account. This was challenging because I would have to search up or ask what these meant and there were tons of these. Also, if I didn’t know what it meant, I couldn’t rephrase it.


Writing my essay was much easier than I thought it would be. This is because it turned out that when I rephased my research it sounded exactly like an essay but just with a few more changes. What was enjoyable about writing the essay was that you had a lot of time to do it and it felt so good when you finished. What was challenging was editing my own writing. For some reason since I wrote it, it sounded perfect so while everyone was editing I would wait for people to finish to check mine. It turned out there were a lot more edits for me to do. “My main inquiry question was “How have planes affected humanity?” To answer this question, I decided to research the uses of planes, how planes affect our social lives, our economy, global warming, and how climate change has affected planes.” That was the thesis statement for my essay. The link to my essay is here: My Capstone Essay.


I decided to do a TED talk because I felt like the TED talk was stronger than the WeVideo. Also, I chose this because my twin and all my friends were doing this one and the WeVideo in my option was very hard to record because you would have to try and try to get a good final product because either you were talking too fast or slow and would restart or someone ruins it. I realized that my essay sounded weird when you said it out loud so I decided to change it, this took about 3 days. Then we would have to split it up so each slide is 2-10 seconds long. This was hard because I would have to split up sentences that sounded weird. But luckily, it could be 2-15 seconds. After I recorded my script it turned out it was way too long. It started at 1,900 words and I had to take out a lot of the script. After  a  day or two it turned out to be 870 words. Which was like 5 minutes. It felt so good when I finished but I felt like I was behind. The link to my script template is here: Script Template


It felt very good to complete my TED Talk. What I enjoyed the most was when I memorized it. This was because it seemed very hard but wasn’t that hard because it turns out that if you wrote something it’s very easy to remember. The part that was challenging was doing it in front of the class. Because even though I memorized it I would stumble, fidget, forget, and make up information based on what I remember. This eventually stopped but at the first and second time this kept happening but at the third I got very close to doing it perfectly but then I couldn’t pronounce a word. The process started by me reading it over and over a total of 5 – 10 times then saying it to myself 3 – 5 times then using the slides. I used slides with and with-out flashcards a total of 5 – 10 times. After this I still continued to do this until CapCon.


In conclusion, I’m very happy with my final product.  It took a lot of energy, hard work, and time. If I have another important project I hope it’s like Capstone.

Immigrant Documentary

Have you ever had a big project that took month? Well, I have and it was hard. We had to pick a person, make questions, write a narrative, make a script, select photos, record a voice over, and so on. Keep reading to find out…


The first step for the video was to turn the interview into a narrative. The narrative had to be like a story so it took about 3-4 days to write it. This was more enjoyable than challenging. After that, we had to write the script, which took me a whole weekend. This was the most challenging part of the video in my opinion, because you would have to time every sentence to 2-6 seconds and I had a pretty long one so it took a lot of time. Also, it was hard because I quoted my interviewee and it was a long quote like “I remember looking out the window and seeing a squirrel, I was afraid because I’ve never seen a squirrel before.” and I had to turn it into SIX words which was impossible so I did “I remember looking out the window…”. Selecting the images was the second hardest part. I had expected to know what I was doing but it turned out I didn’t. Also, WeVideo does have a lot of photos. There are twice as many videos than photos. The voice over was weird. I always messed up somehow.


I learned that it’s sometimes better not to plan because I added a few pictures that weren’t in my plan but it worked so much better because there were a few sentences that didn’t match anything that was on the screen. So, I ended up not using my plan as much as I expected. Also, I learned you needed to search a few times for something to pop up. Another thing, I learned that there aren’t a lot of photos and more videos. This surprised me because wasn’t it harder to take a video than a photo? A video needs people moving, or animation, or a person or machine holding and moving a camera. So why not just take a photo? 

In conclusion it was hard but it paid off in my opinion. Have you ever had a project like this?

Interviewing Yesim

Have you ever conducted an interview? Well I have and it’s hard. You have to prepare for it or it can go badly. For example, if you ask the interviewee to pause, the interviewee gets bored and answers the questions with no energy. Keep reading to find out why I did it …

When preparing for the interview, I first got about 10 questions on my own but then I had trouble getting more. At the end I got 3 more but then I realized there were some sample questions. I read some of them but then I got inspired by them and got 3 more. We were supposed to get 15 questions, so I asked my older sibling who had done the interview, to delete one of them she did. When my classmates shared their questions I got even more ideas but I realized I couldn’t add them. So then, I combined a few simple questions like Why and How together. When my teacher checked my questions she improved it by instead of “How” by “Describe”. An example of my question “Describe your first few days in America, including where you lived.” and “What feelings did you have when you left Turkey?”

My experience with the interview was meeting expectations. The interviewee was my mom so it was at our house and in person. I recorded each question separately because my mom said she had some work to do, so I did half at one time and the other half at another time. When conducting the interview I had a hard time asking follow-up questions, but after I listened to my recording I realized I could have asked at least 3 follow-up questions like “what was your first job?” or “Did you ever move around the USA?”. I regret not thinking about follow-up questions, if I had asked them I could have got a longer and better interview. I learned a few things I didn’t know about my mom. First, since I was born in Palo Alto, California I thought that’s where my mom came first, but she came to Rhode Island, Providence. Second, I thought my dad came to study at Stanford University first, but he went to Brown University first in the USA. 

In conclusion, the interview I expected to be very hard, just turned out to be not as hard as I thought. It turned out fine and the reason I conducted this was because….. for an immigration project.

Feature Article

Do you know what a feature article is? It looks a lot like a magazine. We had to do one for school and I liked it. We have been working on it for the past month. There were enjoyable parts and challenging parts. In this blog post I will talk about what I enjoyed about writing and formatting and what was challenging. My topic was….. Keep on reading to find out.

Here is what I enjoyed about writing my feature article and what was challenging. I enjoyed researching about my topic for my feature article because my topic Turkey the country was very important to me. I enjoyed it because I got to write stories based on my trip there and I learned a bit more about the country. For example, I got to write a story of me going to one of the most popular places in Turkey Ankara, Istanbul, and Cappadocia. Also, I learned that an average of 45 million people visit Turkey each year. I found my history section very challenging because it was hard to find information based on it. For example, I found it hard to find information based on before the Independence War. Also, the websites were very long, confusing, and filled with words I didn’t know. That was what I enjoyed and found challenging about the feature article.

Here is what I enjoyed about formatting my feature article and what was challenging. The formatting was fun because I got to find pictures and had fun changing them. I enjoyed this because it looked so much better, looking fun, and colorful. For example, I added four pictures on my first slide and it looked so much better. Also, it showed what I was writing about. The formatting was hard because I had to change the text box’s shape, crop it, and make sure it fit perfectly. For example, I must have moved pictures and text boxes over 50 times. Also, if I cropped because it couldn’t fit I might have missed an important part of the image. These were what I enjoyed and were challenging about formatting. 

I realized that even though there were some challenges, I still enjoyed it. It was very fun but it required hard work and effort. I liked my feature article and had fun doing it. Would you make a feature article?

Halloween 2023

Haunted Houses, Jack-o-lanterns, Dressing up, October 31st ,and last but the best CANDY!!! It’s HALLOWEEN!!! In this blog post I will be talking about how I celebrated Halloween in school and at home. Keep on reading to find out.

Here are two things about how we celebrated Halloween in school. We got to roll dice twenty times and when we got a certain number, we’d also get a certain body part. For example, if I got 8 then I’d get 1 arm or 11 then I’d get 1 eye. What I liked about this activity is that I got to do it with my buddy. It was called Monster Math. My second activity was the Halloween party. It was the best Halloween party I’ve ever been to.I liked it because it had everything. For example, a DJ, gaga pit, air hockey, pop-a-shot, and tons of candy and chips. I liked it because it had everything. These were the two ways we celebrated Halloween in school.

Here are the ways I celebrated Halloween at home. First, like everyone I went  trick or treating. I went with my little brother and twin sister. My neighbors offered extra candy so I took some. There was this road that gave first the best candy and second the most candy. One house gave TEN pieces of candy. I knew this neighborhood gave the best and most candy so I went there. After trick or treating for about two hours we came home and counted our candy. I got about 180 candies but I only liked 117 out of them. Me, my twin and my brother decided to put all the candy into one pile then spit into 3 piles so everyone had the same amount. My favorite candies were Dum-Dums, Reese peanut butter cups, Musketeers, and M & M’s. There are ways that I celebrated Halloween at home.

How did you celebrate Halloween? Did you trick or treat? Did you go to a Halloween party? Would you write a blog post based on it and what would you write?


Bedford Rope Course


Have you ever been to Bedford Rope Course? We were going to Bedford Rope Course as a field trip. I knew it was going to be fun but not only was it fun but it was one of my best field trips I went to in school. In this blog post you will be reading about my three favorite courses and what I learned during this trip.

Most courses were fun but here were the three that stood out. My favorite course challenge was where we were supposed to balance on wires and each tree was a checkpoint. It was called the Mohawk Walk. I liked this the most because on this course teamwork was the key. My second favorite course challenge was where we were supposed to walk, crawl, and jump on beams, wires and swing. I liked it because it was challenging and strategies were the key. My last but not least favorite course challenge was, The Bridge. It was where we were on a rope bridge and tried to cross together with two teams without touching each other. It was very fun and you needed someone to be the traffic controller. It was also challenging due to so many people being on the Bridge. The rope bridge weighed down, kept it more and more challenging. Those were the three best things we did out of the five things.

These were the three things I learned about myself, teammates, and teamwork. What I learned about myself was that I could work very well with everyone and I could make tons of strategies by myself and with my team. I learned this in my first few courses. I also learned that Oscar is a great slider because on the Rope swing where you were swinging to the other platform and your team were on a “cliff,” he jumped on the rope, let it go half way and slid on the platform without touching the ground. I learned that about teamwork you should listen to each other and be quiet when each other is talking, because at our first few courses no one listened and we couldn’t hear our strategies and each other. That is what I learned about my classmate, myself, and teamwork.  

During this trip I had three favorite courses,I learned things about myself, my classmates, and teamwork and I had fun. I would like to go to Bedford Rope Course again. After my blog post would you want to go to Bedford Rope Course?

Identity Map

Have you ever wanted to learn something about your tablemates? In this blog post, you will read about the three things that I wrote in my Identity Map, and three things I learned about my tablemates. Keep on reading to find out more….

There are three things that matter the most to me and belong first place on my Identity Map. First, my religion was very important because my religion makes me me. My religion will also impact how I act and what I celebrate. Second, my culture is also important because my culture makes me me. My culture also impacts what I eat and more. Third, my family was on my Identity Map because I love my family and I care about my family. Also, without my family I wouldn’t be here. These were the three things I wrote about.   

Here are three things that I learned about the three classmates that sit at my table. First, I learned that Eric has a sister. I thought he was an only child. This matters because if I saw his sister then I would have no idea that she knew Eric. Next, I never knew that Aanya played guitar and piano. I thought she only played the violin. This matters because if I wanted to learn piano or guitar, I might ask Aanya for advice. Last, I learned that Max played tennis. I knew he played golf and baseball, but not tennis. This matters because if I wanted to play tennis Max could coach me. These are the three things about my classmates that sit at my table.

Those were three things I wrote about in my Identity Map and what I learned about my tablemates. It took me a long time to choose what I should write about my tablemates. Their Identity Maps had a lot that were different and the same. What would you make sure your Identity Map would have?

5th Grade Fun!

I’ved had so much so far in fifth grade. Also we get to do so many fun activities. I wish I could write more about activities but I had to pick three. School has only been in session for a couple of weeks, but I’ve already had so much fun. Keep reading to find out the three things I’ve enjoyed doing the most and three things I’m most looking forward to doing in fifth grade.

So far, 5th grade is very fun, but there are three things that stand out from the rest. First of all, I was happy to be able to use our Chromebooks because I enjoy typing more than writing and I enjoy learning about technology. Second, I like to choose where to sit in the cafeteria at lunch because it gives us a chance to sit and eat with our other fifth grade friends who we don’t see most of the time and it gives us a chance to connect. Third, the Index card challenge because it was so much fun, taught me more math skills, taught me how to work with a team, and how to think outside the box. Those were the three things I did so far.

In 5th grade there are a lot of fun challenges that require hard work. Here are three things that I am very excited for. I just can’t wait! The first one is the Capstone Research Project. It’s a project at the end of the year where you write about whatever you want. I know what I want to do, but I’m very excited/nervous about it. The second one is HOT DOG FIELD DAY!!! It must be the best thing in 5th grade. It is where for the whole day we stay outside and play very fun and competitive games. It’s the whole grade that plays games like capture the flag, color wars, and lots of other fun games. The third one is Bedford Ropes Trip. It is also very fun because you learn how to work as a team to cross the course. Also, I love climbing ropes, that is why I will like it. Those are the three things I’m excited for.

Overall, I am pretty happy to be in 5th grade. It’s very fun, I’m sure you will enjoy it! 5th grade must be one of my favorite grades in Heathcote. I hope you enjoy 5th grade too. If you liked 5th grade, would you write a blog post about it? But most importantly I CAN’T WAIT TO GO TO MIDDLE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!

This is a place from me to write about 3rd grade to 13th grade. I will publish the work I am proud of. It will show me what I have learned through 3rd grade and 13th grade. I will look back at my work through 3rd grade to 13h grade and make me proud of myself. I am proud of my work right now and will always be.